Stories from Brussels

  • 09.12.2022 – 12:22

    Technische Universität München

    Mathematically speaking, geothermal energy could meet 40 percent of Bavaria's heating needs

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM researchers present assessment of Geothermal Energy Master Plan Mathematically speaking, geothermal energy could meet 40 percent of Bavaria's heating needs - Assessment of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs' Master Plan - Geothermal energy could be used many times more frequently than before - Long-distance heat ...

  • 06.12.2022 – 10:50

    Technische Universität München

    New X-ray technology can improve Covid-19 diagnosis

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: Images: NEWS RELEASE New X-ray technology can improve Covid-19 diagnosis Patient study demonstrates benefits of dark-field X-ray technology A research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has, for the first time, produced dark-field X-ray images of ...

  • 29.11.2022 – 12:56

    Technische Universität München

    Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness?

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22778 - email: - web: This text on the web: Picture: NEWS RELEASE Why are overweight people more susceptible to illness? Size of fat cells can cause ...

  • 28.11.2022 – 15:45

    Technische Universität München

    Nanoswitches for tumor targeting

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: Video: NEWS RELEASE Nanoswitches for tumor targeting TUM spin-off Plectonic develops antibody-based immunotherapies Plectonic Biotech, a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has developed a nanoswitch that binds immune cells to tumor cells. The goal is to facilitate the development of ...

  • 25.11.2022 – 09:30

    International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

    Training centre and business park opened in Enugu (Nigeria)

    Enugu/Vienna (ots) - Unique collaboration bringing together migration expertise, a local university and the private sector, opens up prospects for the local population, business location and companies On 25 November 2022, a vocational training facility, the Centre of Practical Skills, as well as the Godfrey Okoye University European Business Park, were opened in Enugu, Nigeria. This unique combination of private ...

  • 24.11.2022 – 12:13

    Technische Universität München

    Companies report data leaks on heavy news days

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: NEWS RELEASE Companies report data leaks on heavy news days Enterprises try to limit attention for losses of sensitive data Many companies carefully time disclosures on losses of sensitive customer data. A new study based on publicly traded US companies shows that companies tend to announce data ...