24.10.2019 – 10:29NAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbHPolice raid envion AG ex-CEO Matthias Woestmann and lawyer Thomas van Aubel's offices, investigate criminal activity related to illegal takeovermore
24.10.2019 – 08:55SmartfrogWhat's behind the internet's 'ghost' videos and why high-res IP cameras are the best protection against ghosts - Halloween 2019: It's haunting you!more
30.09.2019 – 08:59NAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbHEnvion AG founders to donate millions to crypto community after favorable ruling against ex-CEO Mattias Woestmann, co-conspirators in Berlin's high courtmore
18.09.2019 – 12:42Estrel Berlin2The Estrel Congress Center is undergoing expansion / The new Estrel Auditorium is scheduled to open in January 2021- The Estrel Congress Center changes its name to ECCmore
05.09.2019 – 14:00TVT.media GmbH2IFA 2019 - The leading global consumer electronics trade fair will start in Berlinmore
20.08.2019 – 10:00SMACK Communications GmbHSMACK Communications develops new RKW Group website / Launch of the new corporate website of RKW, one of the world's foremost manufacturers of excellent film solutionsmore
06.08.2019 – 15:10SMACK Communications GmbHLACP Vision Awards: Silver for SMACK Communications and RKW Groupmore
18.07.2019 – 09:05SmartfrogCanary View security camera launches in the UK / Useful, easy, affordable, safemore
28.02.2019 – 09:10Goldmedia GmbHGame of Thrones is 2018's most popular series in the UK / Goldmedia publishes an annual ranking of the most popular series on paid streaming platforms in the UKmore
04.12.2018 – 11:30dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH2Niddal Salah-Eldin to take over as dpa's deputy editor-in-chief and head of innovation and product (FOTO)more
14.09.2018 – 11:00dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbHIvonne Marschall to be appointed head of the English service of dpa international (FOTO)more
11.09.2018 – 14:18foodwatch e.V.Protest in Brussels: foodwatch Accuses EU of Large-Scale Failings in Health and Safety - Open Letter: Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker Is "Detached from Reality"more
13.06.2018 – 10:00skyDSL Europe B.V.skyDSL Exceeds EU Expectations for 2020 Offering Internet at 50 Mbps to all Householdsmore
10.04.2018 – 08:30VerimiThe green button is online: VERIMI is gradually launching its ID and data platformOne documentmore
01.09.2017 – 09:00TVT.media GmbH2IFA 2017 - global leading Consumer Electronics show opens in Berlinmore
11.11.2014 – 18:09Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)dena Hands Out Energy Efficiency Awards 2014 / Recognition for outstanding energy efficiency projects in industry (FOTO)more
13.08.2013 – 14:00European BioplasticsNew scientific arguments in favour of industrial use of food crops / Choice of feedstock dependent solely on efficiency and sustainabilit (BILD)more