Stories about Ökosystem
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PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton Standard
One documentmore Koehler Group Publishes Second Sustainability Report with Focus on Future Generations
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PM: „Green Postal Day“: Postunternehmen weltweit werden immer umweltfreundlicher / PR: Green Postal Day: Postal companies worldwide becoming increasingly environmentally friendly
more Terre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls on states to take action in first guidance on children's rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change
GENEVA/NEW YORK (ots) - Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published authoritative guidance to States on what they must do to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In the face of the ...
One documentmoreArtilysin® - A Groundbreaking "Green Pharma" Solution
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ForestNavigator - Designing policies addressing the forest sector for achieving EU climate goals
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PM: DHL Express baut neues Gateway in Helsinki / PR: DHL Express to build new gateway facility in Helsinki
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The Use of Food and Feed Crops for Bio-based Materials and the Related Effects on Food Security – Recognising Potential Benefits
One documentmore LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
LONGi presents “STAR Innovative Ecological Collaboration Platform” at Intersolar 2023 to build global ecosystem for PV innovation
Munich (ots) - Today, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. debuted its “STAR Innovative Ecological Cooperation Platform” in Europe during this year’s Intersolar exhibition in Munich, Germany. The global platform will focus on the development of PV innovation technology and serve as an enabler for building a ...
moreCotton Made in Africa and African Cotton Foundation launched Innovations Club
moreLAMILUX Composites joins the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact
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PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi
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PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g
2 Documentsmore New platform sheds light on the bioeconomy
Harnessing innovation to build a bio-based, climate-neutral and circular economy – that is the goal of Germany’s National Bioeconomy Strategy. But is Germany on track, and does development align with the overarching Sustainable Development Goals? Please excuse any double sendings Joint Press release Oeko-Institut and Symobio 2.0 Darmstadt, 18. April ...
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Press Release - Sustainable commitment of hubergroup Deutschland awarded with EcoVadis silver medal
One documentmore Natural cosmetics manufacturer Laverana is the winner of the DNP 2023 and thereby, wins Europe's most important sustainability award for ecological and social commitment
moreGuizhou Satellite TV released a video: Ekaterina Kaligaeva, a straight A student at Tsinghua University and Peking University from Belarus, came to Libo, Guizhou for her graduation trip
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Rosberg X Racing and Extreme E join forces with Allianz, Life Terra and the MEDSEA Foundation to restore wildfire-affected area in Sardinia
One documentmore Press Release: Aurubis makes the final round of the 15th German Sustainability Award
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The finale countdown: Rosberg X Racing head to Uruguay to fight for the Championship
2 Documentsmore Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
Wild Treasure Troves of Life / German Environmental Award for Dr. Christof Schenck
moreTechnische Universität München
Heat-lovers are the lucky ones - Researchers show population trends of native insects
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Heat-lovers are the lucky ones: Insects and climate change 40 years of conservation ...
moreSTIHL publishes its first sustainability report
Technische Universität München
Role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Urban greenery: not only trees are important Role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) conducted a multi-year empirical ...
moreEuropean lemon, an example of sustainability at every level
moreTechnische Universität München
Worldwide assessment of protected areas
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution images: NEWS RELEASE Worldwide assessment of protected areas Study: Lack of protection of the world’s deserts and deep sea regions Protected areas are among the most effective tools for ...
moreHope Spot Ocean? – combining conservation and sustainable use / The new World Ocean Review: Communicating the latest marine knowledge understandably
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BLOGPOST Hey Generation Z, what’s up with the future?
more Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis
German Sustainability Award: To Billie Eilish From Space
Duesseldorf, Germany (ots) - Superstar Billie Eilish receives this year`s German Sustainability Award for her special commitment to climate protection. The award will be handed over virtually by German astronaut Matthias Maurer (ESA) aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Both Billie and the astronaut will join the ceremony virtually on Friday, December 3, in Duesseldorf. The event will be streamed live online. ...