21.12.2021 – 16:01News DirectNofar Energy enters the British renewable energy market with the largest energy storage project to be constructed in the United Kingdommore
10.12.2021 – 11:08Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis AG and Wärme Hamburg GmbH to further expand Germany’s largest industrial heat systemOne documentmore
25.11.2021 – 07:56News DirectA second significant deal for Nofar Energy in Poland’s renewable energy marketmore
22.11.2021 – 07:26News DirectNofar Energy enters Poland’s renewable energy market with significant initiativemore
03.09.2021 – 12:13Aurubis AG3Press Release: Aurubis wins the Responsible Care Competition of the VCIOne documentmore
16.08.2021 – 04:10News DirectUNFCC Climate Report delivers a message of hope stating 1.5 is within reach if immediate action is takenmore
12.07.2021 – 14:15Fengdu Digital Media Center2Fengdu County begins a new chapter in sustainable developmentmore
25.06.2021 – 15:10LKQ EuropeEuropean Parliament Member Ismail Ertug visits LKQ Europe’s Logistics Operations in Sulzbach-Rosenbergmore
24.06.2021 – 15:43Aurubis AG3Press Release: “Aurubis-1”: start of construction for largest in-house PV plant in BulgariaOne documentmore
27.05.2021 – 15:13Aurubis AG4Press release: Aurubis: First copper anodes produced with hydrogenOne documentmore
04.05.2021 – 15:33Bullfinch AGBullfinch AG and Aquila Capital launch Joint Investment Vehicle for energy-efficient assetsmore
11.02.2020 – 12:49Energy2market GmbHEnergy2market and Deutsche Post to Optimise Power Procurement and Energy Use at Logistics Sites / Conclusion of the government-subsidised research project TRADE EVmore
04.03.2019 – 07:00Sono Motors GmbHSono Motors Presents Design of the Sion / Innovative electric car features full-surface solar integration and more spacemore
09.08.2013 – 11:00Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)Women power for environmental protection: "Turned visions into reality even in the face of massive resistance" (BILD)more