Stories about Arbeit, Soziales
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PM: DHL Group: Sprachlern-App für Mitarbeitende gewinnt UN World Summit Award Germany / PR: DHL Group’s Language Learning App for Employees wins UN World Summit Award Germany
moreGermany relaxes entry regulations for international skilled workers
Berlin (ots) - Germany has introduced new legislation that will relax entry requirements for qualified non-EU professionals who wish to live and work in the country. As of March 1, 2024, a major part of the legislative package to modernize German residence law will come into force in Europe’s largest economy. Easements for the EU Blue Card have already been in place since November 2023. The new support measures mainly ...
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Avon and Cotton made in Africa Announce Partnership
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PM: Top Employer 2024: DHL Group stärkt Status als einer der besten Arbeitgeber weltweit / PR: Top Employer 2024: DHL Group confirms its status as one of the best global employers
more Henkel introduces fully paid gender-neutral parental leave for its employees worldwide
Presentation of Koehler Group CCI Sponsorship Award
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PM: DHL Express kündigt Veränderungen in der Führung in Europa und der Region Americas an / PR: DHL Express announces changes in leadership in Europe and the Americas
more ‘Art of Acceleration’ (AOA): How employees can excel beyond themselves / Austrian company offers a fast way to execute strategies more successfully
Radstadt (ots) - Former CEO and Co-Founder of has·to·be Martin Klässner has begun sharing his know-how around employee motivation and startup success. The ‘Art of Acceleration’ (AOA) strategy execution methodology, developed by Klässner and colleagues at has·to·be, allowed that company to outperform its ...
morePress release: Aurubis equal opportunity network Women4Metals wins HR Excellence Award
One documentmoreGermany Becomes More Friendly to International Skilled Labor
Berlin (ots) - The country with Europe’s largest economy has eased the requirements for non-EU nationals, particularly those with needed skills, to gain employment permits. As of November 18, rewritten legislation in Germany makes it easier for people from outside the EU who wish to live and work in the country. Under the new Skilled Immigration Act and the new EU Blue Card, people with a university degree and a job ...
morePM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge unter den Top drei der weltbesten Arbeitgeber / PR: DHL Express voted among the top three World's Best Workplaces™ for the fourth year running
PM: DHL Group startet GoTeach-Programm für Jugendliche in der Ukraine / PR: DHL Group starts GoTeach program in Ukraine
moreKoehler Group Celebrates Trainees
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PM: Triple: DHL Express sichert sich zum dritten Mal in Folge den Titel als bester Arbeitgeber Europas / PR: Triple: DHL Express secures top spot as Europe’s Best Workplace™ 2023 for third time in a row
more PM: Global Volunteer Day: 1,3 Millionen Freiwillige der DHL Group engagieren sich in 15 Jahren / PR: Global Volunteer Day: 1.3 million DHL Group employees have engaged in the past 15 years
moreKoehler Group Welcomes New Trainees and Students
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
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Majority of German youths see good opportunities in apprenticeship market
Gütersloh (ots) - The mood on the German apprenticeship market has improved appreciably. However, many young people with low school qualifications see their chances of securing an apprenticeship as poor. It remains to be seen whether the apprenticeship guarantee passed recently by the German federal government will be able to help. Almost three quarters of young ...
moreGerman Bionic Debuts Groundbreaking Power Suit for Nursing and Care Professionals in North America
moreResearch Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient
Press Release Data Analysis Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient It is widely assumed that digitalisation improves the capacity of companies and sectors to cope with crises. But is it the case that digital intensive sectors proved more resilient during the Covid-19 crisis? Researchers from the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) investigated this by analysing data relating to various ...
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PM: Deutsche Post DHL Group wird in DHL Group umbenannt / PR: Deutsche Post DHL Group renames to DHL Group
more Fostering togetherness through corporate wear
moreTrainee intake from the COVID-19 pandemic successfully complete their apprenticeship at Koehler
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LEONINE Studios appoints Sarah Fischer to the management board of LEONINE Holding
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Exoskeletons for industry and logistics: Ottobock presents innovations at the Hannover Messe trade show
more Exoskeletons shape the future of industrial and logistic jobs
morePM: Deutsche Post DHL Group bei der Flüchtlingsintegration international führend / PR: Deutsche Post DHL Group is one of the world’s leading companies integrating refugees
2 DocumentsmoreCyolo Introduces Enhanced Partner Program "Cyolo Connected" Delivering True Zero-Trust Access
TEL AVIV, Israel (ots) - The company is expanding its custom partner program, providing extensive support to accelerate adoption of zero-trust access Cyolo, provider of the fastest and most secure zero-trust access solution for enterprise IT and OT, today announced the next-generation of its partner program aimed at maximizing an organization's cybersecurity potential ...
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PM: DHL Express bringt internationalen Glücksgipfel WOHASU® 2023 nach Italien / PR: WOHASU® 2023, the international event dedicated to happiness, arrives in Italy thanks to DHL Express