Stories about Banken

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  • 20.02.2013 – 07:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank looks to the future with confidence after a successful 2012 financial year

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Fourth quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 46 million and EUR 176 million for the full year - consolidated net income for 2012: EUR 85 million - At EUR 6.3 billion, new Structured Property Financing business clearly exceeded forecast - Outlook for 2013: Consolidated operating profit expected to match the level of 2012 - potential to reach ...

  • 12.02.2013 – 12:59


    Berenberg continues expansion

    Hamburg (ots) - - Record net commission income: up 15.8% to EUR 206.4 million - Net profit for the year up 7.3% to EUR 60.2 million - Assets under management up 8.3% to EUR 28.2 billion - No. 3 for IPOs and capital increases in Germany/Austria/Switzerland - Office opened in New York "The banking sector faces a multitude of challenges in 2013," says Dr. Hans-Walter Peters, spokesman of the managing partners at Berenberg. "More than ever, it is essential for banks to offer ...

  • 23.01.2013 – 14:24

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances greener chemicals

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Modernisation investment by the Dutch AkzoNobel group - Changeover to environmentally friendly production process at Höchst industrial park - Funds from KfW Environmental Programme KfW IPEX-Bank is providing the financing for an innovative investment in the form of a EUR 120 million loan. The loan will be used by AkzoNobel, which has its headquarters in Amsterdam/Netherlands, to change its ...

  • 08.01.2013 – 10:15

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances energy efficiency for hospitals

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Environmental loan for new building of hospital "Wesermarsch-Klinik" in Nordenham, Germany - Funds provided from KfW Energy Efficiency Programme KfW IPEX-Bank is contributing a loan of around EUR 23 million to the financing of the new building of the "Wesermarschklinik" Hospital in Nordenham, Lower Saxony, which is part of the hospital service provider Rhön-Klinikum AG. The three-storey ...

  • 28.11.2012 – 08:40


    Helaba reports significant growth in earnings for first three quarters

    Frankfurt am Main/Erfurt (ots) - - Helaba CEO anticipates annual results will be slightly above previous year - S-Group Bank NRW enjoys good start with balanced result - Central bank function for savings banks in four federal states strengthens Helaba's position With group-wide earnings before taxes of ...

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  • 13.11.2012 – 13:30

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank contributes loan to new Clariant research and development center

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX BANK supports Swiss specialty chemicals company in pooling its international R&D activities in Germany - Tailor-made investment loan in two-digit million range - "Clariant Innovation Center": energy-efficient lab and office building at Industriepark Frankfurt Höchst KfW IPEX-BANK is providing a tailor-made investment loan in the ...

  • 13.11.2012 – 07:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group remains on track in the third quarter of 2012

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Third-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 42 million - Core Tier 1 ratio of 11.6 per cent as at 30 September 2012 - Basel III requirements already fulfilled as of today - Aareal Bank affirms guidance for full-year consolidated operating profit Aareal Bank Group has remained on track during the third quarter of 2012, and ...

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  • 18.10.2012 – 10:13

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances new cruise ship to be built at Meyer Werft

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Large volume financing for prospering cruise ship sector - Support of German shipbuilding sector - Continuation of a success story with long-time business partners KfW IPEX-Bank is financing a new cruise ship with the project name "Breakaway Plus" to be built at Meyer Werft in Papenburg for Norwegian Cruise Line headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA. The ship's contract price is approximately ...

  • 22.08.2012 – 08:15


    Helaba continues on positive earnings trajectory in first half of 2012

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Operating customer business and net trading income show satisfactory development - New business grows by ten per cent - Brenner optimistic about full-year results - Helaba takes over function as central bank for savings banks in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg Despite a ...

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  • 04.04.2012 – 08:04

    Aareal Bank

    Supervisory Board renews the appointment of Management Board members

    Wiesbaden (ots) - The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG resolved to renew the appointment of the incumbent Chairman of the Management Board, Dr Wolf Schumacher, and the Member of the Management Board Thomas Ortmanns, prior to the regular end of their terms of office. Their appointment to Aareal Bank's Management Board was extended for another five years, with effect ...

  • 29.03.2012 – 12:56

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank provides investment loan to GETRAG FORD Transmissions

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Efficient 6 speed transmissions to improve vehicle CO2 and dynamic performance - Supply by medium-sized enterprises - Manufacturing reorganisation to improve capabilities of the production at the sites in Cologne and Halewood With a capital investment loan of 50 million Euro KfW IPEX-Bank supports the transmission manufacturer GETRAG FORD Transmissions in an upgrade of its production facilities ...

  • 29.03.2012 – 07:30

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group publishes 2011 annual report

    Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank Group published its annual report for the 2011 financial year today. In addition to information concerning the Group's business model and its activities in the two business segments, the report also includes the audited consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs, and Aareal Bank's Group Management Report for 2011. According to audited figures, consolidated operating profit ...

  • 24.02.2012 – 12:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research awarded for the fifth time

    Wiesbaden (ots) - The Real Estate Management Institute (EBS REMI) of the EBS Business School and Aareal Bank AG have granted for the fifth time the Aareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research for academically-outstanding research work in real estate economics. A total of approximately 50 papers for this annual research prize were submitted this year. About half ...