Stories about Industrie
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BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the conclusion of the Brexit round of talks: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable"
Berlin (ots) - Following the conclusion of the sixth round of Brexit talks, BDI Director General Joachim Lang said: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable." - "The sixth round of Brexit negotiations was more than a disappointment for the German economy. On key points, ...
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HARTING: A powerful partner for Industry 4.0 and IIoT
more BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on restarting Brexit negotiations: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal"
Berlin (ots) - With respect to the resumption of the Brexit negotiations, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal" - "The fact that the EU and the United Kingdom are resuming talks on their future relationship is a long-expected signal. The corona crisis currently demands a great deal of attention and valuable time ...
moreBrenntag increases profit and intends to raise the dividend
Essen (ots) - Brenntag (ISIN DE000A1DAHH0), the global market leader in chemical and ingredients distribution, generated sales of 12,821.8 million EUR in 2019 in a difficult macroeconomic environment. Earnings were impacted by the difficult market environment in Europe, Middle East & Africa and North America. Sales were therefore on a par with the prior-year figure on a constant currency basis. Operating gross profit rose ...
moreThe green future of the packaging industry / How Liquid Glass marches into battle against plastic waste
3D AG, Switzerland, a world leading hologram and brand protection company, announces its enhanced holographic GarmenTrust(TM) 2.0 labels incorporating digital smart label technologies
moreDEKRA Remains on Track: Despite trade disputes and economic slowdown
Stuttgart (ots) - - Revenue up by almost 3% in 2019, staff headcount by around 500 - New foundation in eight service divisions and eight regions takes effect - New business areas opened up thanks to digital services - Vehicle inspection in 21 countries following market entry in China, Chile and Vatican City In a challenging political and economic environment, DEKRA ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
Run-up to the investiture of the new European Commission: Federation of German Industries calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to swiftly present a modern EU industrial strategy
Berlin (ots) - In light of the investiture of the new European Commission, Director General Managing Director of the German Federation of German Industries (BDI) Joachim Lang calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present a modern EU industrial strategy without delay. - "German industry appeals to ...
moreHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Solid second quarter improves half-year balance sheet - economic uncertainties remain
moreiWater Group Limited - Reinhard Lange becomes a new member of the Executive Board
London (ots) - At its meeting on 01.10.2019, the Board of iWater Group Limited decided to appoint Reinhard Lange as an additional member of the Management Board with effect from 01.10.2019. With the responsibility for "Globalization & Logistics", the new Executive Board member will also be responsible for the company's operational growth. From 1971 to 2013, Reinhard ...
moreKörber acquires majority stake in Cohesio Group and expands business with voice and robotics supply chain solutions
BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on Brexit: "No free pass for postponement"
Berlin (ots) - - Last minute extension of deadline particularly expensive for companies - No recognizable plan from London for preventing a no-deal Brexit - Business must prepare for a hard Brexit The Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie BDI) has expressed its concerns about a further postponement of Brexit without a clear goal. "There will be no free pass for a postponement without a ...
moreEMD - European Marketing Distribution
EMD to launch International Data Sharing
moreSMACK Communications develops new RKW Group website / Launch of the new corporate website of RKW, one of the world's foremost manufacturers of excellent film solutions
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Casting a glance into the future of mobility: thyssenkrupp shows ropeless MULTI in the German Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai
more Brenntag reports a solid first quarter 2019
Essen (ots) - Brenntag (WKN A1DAHH), the global market leader in chemical distribution, posted solid results in the first quarter of 2019. Its key performance indicators operating gross profit and operating EBITDA showed an increase at Group level. The growth in operating EBITDA is mainly attributable to the initial application of the new financial reporting standard IFRS 16 on leases. On operating level, a positive ...
moreNTT DATA Business Solutions AG
HANNOVER MESSE 2019: itelligence to showcase use cases and scenarios for connected industry / itelligence presents use cases for "Integrated Industry - Industrial Intelligence" (FOTO)
Hannover Messe: German Bionic presents first robot exoskeleton for the Industrial IoT
Tokyo, Japan (ots) - - Technology leader presents the third generation of the successful Cray X model - German Bionic IO cloud platform connects exoskeletons with the Smart Factory and enables AI functionality Robotics specialist German Bionic presents the first connected robot exoskeleton for use in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), at the Hannover Messe. The ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on extension of Brexit deadline: The suspense continues
Berlin (ots) - In response to the decision by the European Council, BDI chief executive Joachim Lang says: "The suspense continues" - "The suspense continues. The extension of the deadline means that the agonizing uncertainty for business goes on. Our companies need clarity. And for this, the British government must conclude the Brexit process as quickly as possible. - The EU has once again stretched out its hand to the ...
moreHannover Messe: German Bionic presents first robot exoskeleton for the Industrial IoT
moreNTT DATA Business Solutions AG
HANNOVER MESSE 2019: itelligence presents intelligent solutions for process optimisation / itelligence to showcase solutions for "Integrated Industry - Industrial Intelligence" (FOTO)
morePHARMAPLAN returns: TTP AG buys European engineering companies from NNE A/S
Frankfurt am Main / Copenhagen (ots) - TTP AG, Frankfurt/Main and it's subsidiary TTP GmbH, has signed an agreement with the Danish NNE A/S in Copenhagen for the purchase of three NNE subsidiaries based in Switzerland, Germany and Belgium. TTP AG is an operational holding company specialising in production-related engineering services for the process industry. It is ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI chief executive Joachim Lang: "Hysteria has won out - no time left for the hangover"
Berlin (ots) - "The rejection of the withdrawal agreement is alarming. Where common sense was required, hysteria has won out. Any chance of finding a route out of the chaos has been lost for the present. Businesses on both this side and the other side of the English Channel continue to be left hanging in mid-air. A chaotic Brexit is drawing dangerously closer. The top ...
VDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.
Bräunig: German OEMs and suppliers show strong commitment in US
Berlin/Detroit (ots) - VDA Managing Director Bräunig at North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) - US market is essential to German auto industry - Important location for US production and exports from US. German passenger car brands took almost 8 percent of US market in 2018 - Companies have 118,000 employees at US plants - With stable trade conditions sales by ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI President Kempf: Strengthen the European Union to better compete with China
Berlin (ots) - - The organisation formulates 54 demands addressed to the German Federal Government and the European Commission - Making the market economy more resilient - Calls for new security controls on foreign investments The President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Dieter Kempf, has called on the German Federal Government and the European ...
moreVDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.
VDA press conference on January 7, 2019, at the CES in Las Vegas
Berlin/ Hannover (ots) - The automotive industry is currently undergoing a process of transformation characterized by electric mobility, digitization, and connected and automated driving. In addition, the urban mobility of the future demands new responses. The CES focuses on all of these topics. The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) is therefore inviting you to its first ever press conference at the CES ...
moreRenewed double-digit sales growth "pushes" HARTING Technology Group ahead / Sales up 13.4% to EUR762 million / 341 new jobs worldwide (FOTO)
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the pending EU Special Summit: Industry expects a clear sign of agreement
Berlin (ots) - Regarding the fundamental agreement between the Brexit negotiators on a political declaration and ahead of the EU Special Summit on Sunday, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Industry expects a clear sign of agreement" - "I'm expecting a clear sign of agreement from the Brexit Special Summit. Reopening the negotiations is not the way forward. - ...
moreRevolution in the concrete industry