14.02.2025 – 09:22Marc Cain GmbHMarc Cain Hosted an Exclusive Pop-Up Store During New York Fashion Weekmore
17.01.2025 – 08:30EMD - European Marketing Distribution2Effective immediately: French purchasing group Francap starts pooling procurement of their strong private label brands under the international umbrella of the EMD Alliancemore
28.11.2024 – 11:15DHL Group2PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland2 Documentsmore
14.10.2024 – 09:00EMD - European Marketing Distribution2EMD welcomes a new prominent partner: Lotte from South Korea is now joining the International Trade Alliance as an associate membermore
17.07.2024 – 10:01DHL Group2PM: Expressversand und Zusatzdienstleistungen versprechen Boutique-Erlebnis / PR: Premium delivery bridges online and in-boutique experiencemore
26.06.2024 – 10:01DHL Group3PM: Social Media Shopping auf dem Vormarsch: DHL gibt Einblicke in neuste Trends im E-Commerce / PR: Bracing for the social media shopping phenomenon: DHL on the latest trends in e-commerce2 Documentsmore
02.04.2024 – 11:01DHL Group2PM: DHL erweitert sein Angebot für die Paketzustellung in Schweden und investiert in Paketautomaten / PR: DHL expands parcel delivery offering in Sweden with investment in parcel locker network2 Documentsmore
01.03.2024 – 14:00DHL Group2PM: DHL eröffnet neues internationales Logistikzentrum in Posen, Polen / PR: DHL opens new International Logistics Center in Poznan, Poland2 Documentsmore
18.01.2024 – 16:58snipes2SNIPES announces retirement of Brian Forde and appointment of Dimitrios “Jimmy” Lessenmore
26.09.2023 – 14:05Origify by Bosch2Fight against Product Piracy: Capture Fingerprint of Luxury Goods and check at any Time via Appmore
26.09.2023 – 10:02DHL Group2PM: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95 Prozent der Online-Kunden brechen Kauf ab, wenn die Zustelloption nicht passt / PR: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95% of online shoppers abandon a purchase if their preferred delivery option is not available2 Documentsmore
10.08.2023 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: DHL Global Forwarding kündigt Führungswechsel im Luftfrachtgeschäft an / PR: DHL Global Forwarding Announces Leadership Changes in Air Freight Businessmore
17.05.2023 – 11:16Fruit Vegetables EuropeFruits and vegetables, a priority in the shopping basketmore
26.04.2023 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe2 Documentsmore
06.04.2023 – 09:00DHL Group3PM: Dominique von Orelli wird neuer CEO von Hillebrand Gori – a DHL company / PR: Dominique von Orelli appointed new CEO Hillebrand Gori – a DHL companymore
05.04.2023 – 09:00DHL GroupPM: DHL: Mehr als 60.000 Hilfspakete in die Ukraine befördert / PR: DHL: More than 60,000 care packages shipped to Ukrainemore
23.02.2023 – 10:30hubergroup Deutschland GmbH3Press Release - hubergroup Print Solutions launches web offset inks for food packagingMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
22.11.2022 – 07:30Hellmann Worldwide Logistics2Hellmann embarks on a growth course with three new Industry Solutionsmore
29.09.2022 – 12:06E.Breuninger GmbH & Co.International Expansion of the Online Business / Breuninger launches an Online Shop for the Czech Republicmore
14.09.2022 – 15:01News DirectMicroban Launches Refresh™: A Patent-Pending Odor Capture Technology that is Completely Metal Freemore
21.04.2022 – 15:00Lemon from SpainDo you know why the lemon is nicknamed the "MacGyver of fruits"?more
26.01.2022 – 12:09hubergroup Deutschland GmbH2Press Release - hubergroup launches sheet-fed offset ink series for direct food contactMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
25.01.2022 – 13:37Brenntag SEBrenntag’s Larry Davis on serving major trends in the Nutrition industryWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
01.12.2021 – 11:32E.Breuninger GmbH & Co.Virtual Christmas Shopping with Hadnet Tesfai & Leonie Hanne / Breuninger presents “Shop the Gift - Fine Jewellery”more
17.10.2021 – 10:52E.Breuninger GmbH & Co.Breuninger expands to Poland / Internationalisation and online businessmore