Stories about Maschinenbau

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  • 06.08.2014 – 11:55

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg realigns postpress portfolio

    Heidelberg (ots) - * Postpress Packaging: improved competitiveness thanks to strategic partnership with Chinese manufacturer * Postpress Commercial: folding machine business to be restructured, manufacture of all other own products in this business area to be discontinued, and Leipzig site to be closed * Measures expected to improve result by a total of approx. EUR 30 million annually, largely taking effect from next ...

  • 11.06.2014 – 07:15

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg initiates next stage of Group's reorganization - target EBITDA margin of no less than 8 percent to be achieved by financial year 2015/2016

    Heidelberg (ots) - - Target result for financial year 2013/2014 achieved with net profit of EUR 4 million - Strategic reorientation supported by new anchor investor - Acquisitions in growth areas - digital, services and consumables - New business models for product areas with weak margins - Further consolidation of ...

  • 28.05.2014 – 10:00

    Ecoprogetti srl

    Stringer machine for 5BB cells

    Carmignano di Brenta (ots) - Since 1998 the Italian company Ecoprogetti has been researching, designing and manufacturing equipment and complete turnkey lines for the photovoltaic industry. Intersolar Europe is a fixed yearly event for Ecoprogetti and this year we'll be present in Hall 3 booth A3.588. With the occasion of Intersolar, Ecoprogetti will introduce the new stringer machine ET800 that, besides a high productivity and extremely low breakage percentages, is able to ...

  • 07.05.2014 – 07:12

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg achieves results target: EUR 4 million net profit for year

    Heidelberg (ots) - - Sales of roughly EUR 2.43 billion (around EUR 2.54 billion after adjustment for exchange rate movements) - EBITDA climbs to EUR 143 million; EBITDA margin increases from about 3 percent to approx. 6 percent - Net result improves to EUR 4 million (previous year: EUR -117 million) - Positive free cash flow of some EUR 20 million Following five years ...

  • 19.04.2011 – 12:30


    STIHL grows 16 percent and achieves record turnover

    Waiblingen (ots) - The STIHL Group upped its turnover 16 percent in 2010 to EUR 2.363 billion (10.1 percent, had currency exchange rates remained unchanged). The growth is due to higher unit sales. The company was able to increase its equity ratio slightly to 66.7 percent. STIHL executive board chairman Dr. Bertram Kandziora pointed out at the company's press conference: "We have not only coped with the world economic ...