Stories about Radio
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Elatec Receives Patent for USB Rotary Connector / 360° Mounting: Reader with a Special Twist
Munich (ots) - Elatec's TWN4 USB Front Reader makes it easy to retrofit authentication solutions with a plug & play solution. Elatec has now been granted a patent in Europe and the USA for the reader's USB rotary connector. This enables a unique 360° mounting of the reader. With this extraordinary solution, the company once again demonstrates its innovation and ...
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
2Satellite transmits test signals in Q and W band for the first time
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
Project on energy-saving mobile radio base stations wins silver in innovation competition
moreCyvatar Raises an Additional $9 Million in Series A Round
moreDEKRA acquires CMC testing and certification laboratory in Thiene, Italy / DEKRA continues to expand its EMC & Radio Testing and Certification Services
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BLOGPOST: Media Landscape Asia: Between Tradition and Modernity
more DEKRA further expands its automotivetesting and certification services in Asia / Expert Organization to invest in future technology
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
Artificial Intelligence for optimized mobile communication
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
2AlScN - alternative material for more efficient smartphone hardware
moreFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
MOSHEMT-innovative transistor technology reaches record frequencies
moreCIVIS Media Prizes 2019 - 14 programmes awarded in Berlin
Berlin (ots) - Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity was awarded on Thursday evening at a celebratory TV gala in the German Foreign Office in Berlin in front of around 400 invited guests. Fourteen programmes from the areas of film, television, radio and internet received prizes. A total of 767 programmes from 22 EU states and Switzerland took part in the competition. Pinar Atalay, ...
1NCE makes Internet of Things affordable: More than 1 million SIM cards sold in first five months of operation
Cologne (ots) - The Cologne-based IoT Carrier 1NCE GmbH has sold more than one million SIM cards since market launch 5 months ago. The secret behind the success: by offering an IoT flat rate, the technology company offers mobile communication between devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) at a much-needed ...
moreCIVIS Media Prize 2019 - Competition opened / Closing-date for entries is 21 January 2019
Cologne (ots) - Once again, the CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe will honour radio, film, television, as well as internet programme contributions, which promote peaceful coexistence of people of different geographical and cultural backgrounds. We are looking for the best European programmes, web-videos and websites on the topic of ...
more30 years at the forefront of telecommunications measuring technology: intec at the Broadband World Forum Berlin
moreCIVIS Media Prize 2015 - The European competition opens
Köln (ots) - Search for Europe's best radio and TV programmes as well as web pages and web videos on the theme of integration and cultural diversity CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on radio, film and television as well as on the Internet which promote the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied geographic and cultural origins. In addition to flight and asylum, the focus is on the latest ...
moreCIVIS Media Prize 2014 - The European competition opens / Search for Europe's best radio and TV programmes as well as web pages on the theme of integration and cultural diversity
Cologne (ots) - CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on radio, film and television as well as in the internet which promote the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied national, ethnic, religious or cultural origins. Closing-date for entries is January 20, 2014. The CIVIS Media Prizes are ...
moreCIVIS Media Prize 2013: eight programmes honoured in Berlin!
Berlin (ots) - Eight European radio and television programmes have been honoured with the award of the renowned CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity. The prize-giving ceremony and TV gala was held in the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin on Thursday evening. The prizes, endowed with 3,000 Euros per category, this year went to productions ...
One documentmore
CIVIS Media Prize 2013 - 631 programmes in the competition / TV-Gala on May 2013, 16 at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin
Cologne (ots) - A total of 631 programmes have been submitted as entries in the European CIVIS Media Prize 2013 for Integration and Cultural Diversity. Programme makers and broadcasting companies from all over Europe will be competing for Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity. ...