Stories about Sustainability
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Congress Centres in Leipzig
One documentmorePress release | New Brunel Energy Market Study - Challenges for the entire energy industry
PRESS RELEASE New Brunel Energy Market Survey – “Fact to the Future”: Skills shortages and the need to attract and develop young talents present workforce challenges across the entire energy industry Two Brunel "Fact to the Future" Reports – on Renewable and Conventional Energy jobs – show ...
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A New Look for the Aid by Trade Foundation
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Advancements in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technology Pave the Way for Novel Applications From Ethylene, to Polymers, Syngas and Even Diamonds
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AbTF Cotton Conference in India: Experts From Across the Global Cotton and Textile Industry Discuss Challenges and Innovations for the Sustainable Future of Cotton
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Bright Future of Cellulose Fibres in Textiles, Hygiene, Construction and Packaging – Conference Shows Top-Innovation
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GEA launches real-time monitoring solution at Anuga FoodTec
2 Documentsmore GEA to present innovation initiative for a more sustainable dairy industry at Anuga FoodTec
One documentmoreGEA boosts sustainable production: Green stainless steel supplied by Klöckner & Co to be used at first site
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GEA at the Anuga FoodTec trade show: Sustainability innovations bolster food industry resilience
One documentmore Presse release / Aurubis and Codelco drive innovation for sustainability in the copper industry: Working together for more metals from responsible production
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Avon and Cotton made in Africa Announce Partnership
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Navigating a Renewable Carbon Future with the Program of the CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024
One documentmore GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change
GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change Düsseldorf, February 6, 2024 – GEA scores an ‘A’ for its transparency and performance on climate change by global environmental ...
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PM: DHL kooperiert mit Schneider Electric bei Transportlösung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Agilität / PR: DHL partners with Schneider Electric to launch new shipping model for improved sustainability and agility
2 Documentsmore Greenwashing – No, thanks! The Green Claims Directive on the rise – Everything companies need to know
One documentmoreGEA recognized as a “Top Employer 2024” in Europe
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Press release: Aurubis achieves good full-year result of € 349 million despite extraordinary effects caused by criminal activities
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Press release: PreZero publishes first Sustainability Report
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The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – A Success Story Beyond Chemical Recycling
One documentmore Press release - Investing in sustainability: Aurubis optimizes slag processing at Bulgarian site
One documentmorePress release: PreZero Launches Online Tool for Evaluating Packaging
One documentmorePress release: First Lady of the United States visits Aurubis Richmond, the first secondary smelter for complex recycling materials in North America
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PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton Standard
One documentmore Press release: EcoVadis ranks Aurubis among the top one percent in its sector again
One documentmoreE-Project at Frankfurt Airport Using Charging Infrastructure Bidirectionally
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CmiA Remote Sensing Project for African Cotton
2 Documentsmore Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market
Joint press release by Oeko-Institut, CCQI and Foundation Development and Climate Alliance Berlin, 12 September 2023 Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market To contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market need to be of high quality. ...
One documentmoreTerre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls on states to take action in first guidance on children's rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change
GENEVA/NEW YORK (ots) - Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published authoritative guidance to States on what they must do to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In the face of the ...
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