Stories about Wirecard

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  • 12.10.2018 – 07:30

    Wirecard AG

    Wirecard expands Möbel Inhofer's payment app

    Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - - Wirecard now also offers Möbel Inhofer customers in France, Austria and Switzerland an innovative and convenient shopping experience with mobile payment solutions - Customers can now pay for furniture deliveries by credit card, direct debit and Maestro at their doorstep Wirecard expands its payment app for Europe's largest furniture retailer Möbel Inhofer to include payments by credit card ...

  • 11.10.2018 – 08:03

    Wirecard AG

    Wirecard wins KaDeWe, Oberpollinger and Alsterhaus as customers for Alipay payments

    Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - - Integration of the mobile payment technology into the KaDeWe department stores' central checkout system, just in time for Golden Week - Fully digitized payment solution at the point of sale enabled by Wirecard Wirecard, the global innovation driver for digital financial technologies, wins KaDeWe Group GmbH as a new customer for Alipay ...

  • 02.10.2018 – 07:33

    Wirecard AG

    Wirecard launches Try Before You Buy with PVH in Europe

    Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - - PVH Corp. owns a diversified portfolio of iconic American brands that includes TOMMY HILFIGER and CALVIN KLEIN - Consumers in Europe can now use the Try Before You Buy flexible invoice payment method on TOMMY HILFIGER and CALVIN KLEIN European e-commerce sites - Wirecard's Fraud Prevention Suite (FPS) guarantees the safety of the new payment solution for retailers. Wirecard, the leading ...