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@media box: Prelaunch of a world debut

 Quelle: mediaWorld agency GmbH
Caption: On the 23rd of November 2021, the @media box was presented for the first time in Warsaw. Photo credit: @media advertise Limited / Editorial use of this picture is free of charge. Please quote the source: "obs/mediaWorld agency GmbH"

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29.11.2021 – 09:00  mediaWorld agency GmbH    [newsroom]

London (ots) -

On the 23rd of November 2021, the @media box was presented for the first time in Warsaw. With this innovative multimedia box, the London-based company @media advertise Limited aims to set new standards in the world of TV advertising.

The @media box was presented at the first international Tech Summit 2021 held at the Warsaw-based 360 CodeLab, a subsidiary of the myWorld group. There, the numerous invited guests were able to thoroughly test the first functional prototype and at the same time watch the go-live of the official www.atmedia.digital website.

Watch ads and benefit

“The basic idea is very simple: with the @media box, it’s possible to consume targeted advertising while watching TV, playing a video game or streaming a movie, and get paid for it,” explains Hans Christian Neuhold, CEO of mediaWorld agency, which is responsible for implementing the media project. “All you have to do is choose your favourite streaming platform and, thanks to the partnership with myWorld, you get Cashback and Shopping Points for every ad you watch.” Those who are interested in the ads that are shown can enlarge them using the remote control with the push of a button and can immediately buy the product. Also practical: The topics and the frequency of the advertisements can be completely adapted to your own needs.

Efficient advertising platform for businesses

TV advertising is still the measure of all things when it comes to effectively promoting one’s own products. “Until the end of the first quarter of 2022, companies – myWorld Partners as well as external companies – can also use this potential of TV advertising for themselves, and very flexibly at that,” Neuhold emphasises. “They can promote their products or services regionally, nationally or even globally. A sophisticated algorithm ensures that the desired advertising reaches a selected, interested target audience.”

The @media box will be available in the fourth quarter of 2022. On www.atmedia.digital, those interested can find all details about the @media box as well as a blog that provides regular updates. If they have any questions, they can also send an email to hello@atmedia.digital.

About the mediaWorld agency

The mediaWorld agency is the in-house agency of the myWorld group of companies. The full-service agency was founded to pool know-how and expertise and thereby open up new perspectives and realise tailor-made solutions. Consisting of digital experts, creatives and consultants, the agency has set itself the goal of developing brand experiences on the cutting edge that are effective and sustainable. The production studio produces all forms of visual stories – from commercials to live streaming events. The focus is always on a holistic approach in order to create space for creative ideas that work on all channels. More information on mediaworld.com.


Klaus Piber
Communications Manager
mediaWorld agency GmbH
Tel.: +43 (0)664 80 886 645
Email: klaus.piber@mediaworld.com