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ACCURE exceeds 1,111 megawatt-hours of monitored battery systems with battery-powered boats from Soel Yachts and Naval DC

 Quelle: Accure
With ACCURE's analysis system, the manufacturer Soel Yachts and its technical partner Naval DC can also obtain information on the condition of the batteries from over 15,000km. Source: SOEL YACHTS & ACCURE Battery Intelligence / Weiterer Text über ots und www.presseportal.de/nr/158484 / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes ist für redaktionelle Zwecke unter Beachtung ggf. genannter Nutzungsbedingungen honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung bitte mit Bildrechte-Hinweis.

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07.04.2022 – 09:00  Accure    [newsroom]

Aachen (ots) -

The batteries of three electric yachts in the South Pacific can now be monitored from anywhere in the world thanks to ACCURE's analysis system. It enables the manufacturer Soel Yachts and its technical partner Naval DC to obtain information about the condition of the batteries used for the boats' zero-emission propulsion systems, despite being over 15,000 km away in Bora Bora atoll. The batteries' energy consumption, aging, and safety parameters are shown on a dashboard. This allows maintenance to be carried out early on and any spare parts necessary to be dispatched in good time, since they'll take a few days to arrive. Under this partnership, ACCURE now manages battery systems from the energy and transport sectors totaling over 1,111 megawatt hours.

"Our collaboration with Soel Yachts and Naval DC highlights the advantages of remote analysis for manufacturers. As a result, our clients are kept abreast of the status of their batteries, enabling their boats to be safely and reliably operated worldwide," explained Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies, CEO of ACCURE. With one SoelCat 12 solar electric catamaran powered by two 60 kWh batteries as well as two Soel Shuttle 14 solar electric ferries each fitted with two 53 kWh batteries, ACCURE now manages battery systems totaling over 1,100 megawatt hours. "For ACCURE, the 1,111 megawatt hours represent an important milestone as they verify the need for our solutions and chart our rapid growth since we were founded in 2020," added Dr. Kairies.

The three electric yachts are in operation at a resort in French Polynesia, where they are being used for emission free passenger transport to the airport and into town, and various noise free excursions and activities for the guests.

"We want our customers to enjoy the aesthetics and sustainability of our boats without having to worry about day-to-day maintenance," explained David Czap, Managing Partner at Soel Yachts. "ACCURE's software lets me check early on if everything's running to my satisfaction. If I see any scope for optimization, I can do the necessary preparation in Europe and then quickly carry out the modifications on the batteries themselves."


ACCURE Battery Intelligence emerged from the largest European research group for battery systems at RWTH Aachen University. ACCURE combines cutting-edge research with a practical understanding of the industry's challenges to deploy, operate and recycle batteries safely and effectively. Today, almost 50 battery experts and data scientists collaborate to support companies worldwide in making batteries safe, reliable, and sustainable.


Soel Yachts creates state of the art solar electric yachts for private and commercial operations with unrivalled performance and range thanks to the perfect symbiosis of the in-house design, system and naval architecture team.

Naval DC

Naval DC delivers turnkey solar electric propulsion and battery systems. Each project is taken care of from start to finish from a naval architecture perspective to guarantee the best efficiency and electric performance for each clients' specific operations.


ACCURE Battery Intelligence GmbH
Dr. Kai-Philipp Kairies

Christian Bölling / Lars Stühlen
christian@heldenmood.de / lars@heldenmood.de
+49 151-24047900 / +49 163-8008055

Naval DC
David Czap

Soel Yachts
Linda Brembs