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Boris Becker speaks about his time in prison. SAT.1 will air the world-exclusive interview with the tennis legend in the prime time

 Quelle: SAT.1
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16.12.2022 – 07:43  SAT.1    [newsroom]

Unterföhring (ots) -

Boris Becker speaks about his time in prison. Shortly after returning to his home country, the German tennis legend will answer the questions that interest everyone exclusively on SAT.1. What was his life like in an English prison? Why did he end up in prison? What did he miss the most? What was he surprised not to miss? What did Boris Becker learn during his time in prison?

For this interview with Boris Becker, SAT.1 is changing its prime-time schedule on Tuesday, December 20th. The station will conduct the world’s only interview with the tennis legend for a special program titled “SAT.1 Spezial. Boris Becker”. Steven Gätjen will ask the questions. Boris Becker will answer.

SAT.1 Editor-in-Chief Juliane Eßling says: “Boris Becker is possibly German sport’s greatest hero. We are all aware of the incredible heights and the major setbacks in his life. We feel like we know him. SAT.1 will not talk about Boris Becker but with him. I am delighted that Boris Becker is trusting us to conduct the world’s first and only interview with him after what might have been the most difficult period of his life. For this very personal talk, we are happy to change our prime-time schedule on Tuesday.”

SAT.1 will conduct the interview in German and English. International broadcasters wishing to carry the interview are welcome to contact Red Arrow Studios International’s worldwide sales department at sales@redarrowstudios.com.

“SAT.1 Spezial. Boris Becker” – on Tuesday, December 20th, 2022, 20:15 pm CET on SAT.1 and Joyn.


Christoph Körfer / Barbara Stefaner
Communications & PR
phone: +49 (0) 89 95 07 -1178 / -1128
email: christoph.koerfer@seven.one / barbara.stefaner@seven.one

Photo Production & Editing
Stephanie Bruchner
Phone: +49 89 95 07 - 1166
E-mail: stephanie.bruchner@seven.one