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Daniel Schöningh elected as new chairman of the dpa supervisory board - David Brandstätter steps down from the board

 Quelle: dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Daniel Schöningh, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH and CEO of Ippen-Mediengruppe. / Weiterer Text über ots und www.presseportal.de/nr/8218 / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes für redaktionelle Zwecke ist unter Beachtung aller mitgeteilten Nutzungsbedingungen zulässig und dann auch honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung ausschließlich mit Bildrechte-Hinweis.

25.06.2024 – 13:15  dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH    [newsroom]

Hamburg (ots) -

Following the 75th shareholders' meeting of dpa, Daniel Schöningh (Ippen Media Group, Munich) has been elected as the new chairman of the supervisory board of Germany's largest news agency. He succeeds David Brandstätter (Main-Post, Würzburg), who has stepped down from the board after more than 20 years - 10 of them as chairman.

"As a joint venture of the German media, it is dpa's task to provide editorial offices and institutions with independent and non-partisan news. The agency's work is of the utmost importance for the media industry and for the people in our country. I am therefore looking forward to the new challenge and thank you for the trust you have placed in me," says Daniel Schöningh. "On behalf of the supervisory board, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the previous chairman, David Brandstätter, for his many years of engagement. At a time when the digital transformation has progressed at top speed and traditional media offerings have changed, he has supported dpa with great foresight and strategic intuition and shaped an era," Schöningh continues.

Daniel Schöningh is CEO of the Ippen Media Group, which includes the Münchner Merkur, tz, Westfälischer Anzeiger, Frankfurter Rundschau and Frankfurter Neue Presse as well as numerous web portals.

"75 years of the Basic Law and 75 years of dpa - that's no coincidence. Because the two are mutually dependent," says David Brandstätter. "Article 5 of the Basic Law guarantees freedom of opinion and the German Press Agency provides independent and impartial information for the forming of opinions. This is a valuable contribution to democracy that requires a great deal of strength, commitment and often courage from all employees on a daily basis. My heartfelt thanks for this. I am also proud that dpa is one of the very few agencies in the world that can operate without state subsidies or investor money. This guarantees journalistic independence, our greatest asset, which must always be preserved," continues Brandstätter, who served as chairman of the dpa supervisory board from 2014 to 2024.

In addition to the change at the top of the supervisory board, Birgit Wentzien (Deutschlandfunk, Cologne), Thomas Düffert (Madsack Mediengruppe, Hanover) and Dr. Laurent Fischer (Nordbayerischer Kurier Zeitungsverlag GmbH, Bayreuth) were re-elected to the board at the end of their three-year terms of office. The previously co-opted members Bettina Schausten (ZDF, Mainz) and Dr. Nadja Scholz (Deutsche Welle, Berlin) were newly elected to the supervisory board. Renate Dempfle (Main-Post, Würzburg) is a new co-opted member (from July 1st, 2024 onwards).

The dpa supervisory board / as of: July 2024

Daniel Schöningh, Chairman

CEO, Ippen Media Group, Munich

Dr. Laurent Fischer, Deputy Chairman

Managing Publisher, Nordbayerischer Kurier Zeitungsverlag GmbH, Bayreuth

Valdo Lehari jr, Deputy Chairman

Publisher and Managing Director, Reutlinger General-Anzeiger Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Reutlingen

Dr. Stephan Kolschen, Secretary

Managing Partner, Ernst Brune GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Wilhelmshaven

Julia Becker

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, FUNKE Mediengruppe, Essen

Herbert Dachs

Managing Director, Medienholding Süd GmbH, Stuttgart

Renate Dempfle

Managing Director, Main-Post, Würzburg

Thomas Düffert

Chairman of the Management Board, MADSACK Media Group, Hanover

Julia Jäkel


Joachim Knuth

Director General, NDR, Hamburg

Frank Mahlberg

Managing Director CEO Office, Axel Springer SE, Berlin

Marco Maier

Managing Director, Radio / Tele FFH Media Group, Bad Vilbel

Holger Martens

Managing Director, RHEINPFALZ Verlag und Druckerei GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigshafen

Bettina Schausten

Editor-in-Chief, ZDF, Mainz

Dr. Nadja Scholz

Programming Director, Deutsche Welle, Berlin

Achim Twardy


Birgit Wentzien

Editor-in-Chief, Deutschlandfunk, Cologne

Johannes Werle

Chairman of the Management Board, Rheinische Post Mediengruppe GmbH, Düsseldorf

Honorary Chairman: Karlheinz Röthemeier

About dpa:

The German Press Agency (dpa) was founded in 1949 and is one of the world's leading independent news agencies. dpa supplies media groups, companies and organisations with editorial content. This includes texts, photos, videos, graphics, radio reports and other formats. As an internationally active agency, dpa reports in seven languages. Approximately 1,000 journalists work from around 140 locations in Germany and abroad. Around 170 German media companies are dpa shareholders. The dpa editorial team works according to the principles laid down in the dpa statutes: independent of world views, commercial enterprises or governments. The central editorial office, headed by Editor-in-Chief Sven Gösmann, is located in Berlin. The executive board, headed by CEO Peter Kropsch, is based at the company's headquarters in Hamburg. The chairman of the supervisory board is Daniel Schöningh (Ippen Media Group, Munich).

More at www.dpa.com (German, English, Spanish, Arabic)


German Press Agency dpa
Jens Petersen
Head of Corporate Communications
phone: +49 40 4113 32843