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HAMBURG PORT ANNIVERSARY / The Biggest Harbour Festival in the World with a Top-Notch Programme

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02.03.2020 – 12:00 

Hamburg (ots) -

From 8th to 10th of May, visitors from around the world celebrate the 831st HAMBURG PORT ANNIVERSARY. More than 300 vessels are expected, including majestic tall ships and cruise ships, modern emergency vehicles and lovingly restored museum ships. Against the unique backdrop of Hamburg Harbour, visitors can expect an eventful maritime programme suitable for the whole family. Celebrations will take place around the Landungsbrücken, in the HafenCity, in the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Speicherstadt and the Museumshafen Oevelgönne.

Ship Parades and Other Programme Highlights

The International Ecumenical Opening Service kicks off on Friday at 14:00 at St. Michael's Church. From 16:00, the Hamburg Frigate will lead the Grand Arrival Parade arriving ships and the tall ships Mir and Alexander von Humboldt II will provide a spectacular sight. A crowd-puller on Saturday afternoon will be the tugboat ballet and the AIDA Cruises' fireworks display at 22:30. The vessels will say goodbye in the Grand Departure Parade on Sunday at 17:30.

Maritime Diversity between Tradition and the Modern Age

Whilst the tall ships and museum ships embody traditional seafaring, the modern emergency vehicles represent what's high tech on the water. Nine cruise ships and some navy ships are also expected. Many of these vessels will invite you to come on-board for a visit.

Music, Sport and Croatian Way of Life

The festival atmosphere will be added to by free concerts on 13 stages along the Elbe. Classical music fans will be able to enjoy concert recordings from the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg at "Elbphilharmonie Concerts on Screen". At the Active City Championships in the HafenCity, visitors will experience dragon boating, sailing, bouldering, hockey, beach volleyball and other sports. Partner country Croatia will be presenting the Croatian culture and lifestyle as well as its culinary specialties.

Further information at: www.hafengeburtstag.hamburg


Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
Phone: +49 40 3569 2441/2443