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EANS-News: Innovation boost for AT&S in Leoben - IMAGE

20.07.2020 – 14:09 
  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

AT&S plans to invest up to 120 million euros in a technology upgrade over a
period of four years. The aim is to create 200 additional jobs by 2023.

Research & Development

Leoben - AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer and COO Heinz Moitzi presented the
investment programme at a joint press conference with Federal Minister for
Digital and Economic Affairs Margarete Schramböck, Provincial Governor Hermann
Schützenhöfer and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, provincial government member for
economic affairs: Over a period of four years, up to 120 million euros will be
invested in the location in Leoben-Hinterberg, of which about 20 million euros
will be dedicated to R&D and roughly 100 million euros to machines and
processes. Up to 25 percent of the investments will be funded by the EU
programme "IPCEI on Microelectronics". In a first step, approximately 44 million
euros will be invested by February 2021. "IC substrates have been the central
element of our corporate strategy for several years," says AT&S CEO Andreas
Gerstenmayer. "IC substrates are connecting elements between the printed circuit
board and the chip; they 'translate' the nanostructures of the chip to the
micrometre structures of a printed circuit board." The innovative technologies
of the cores produced in Leoben, together with other innovations at our
Chongqing site, enable a leap in performance of the processor systems. "This
allows us, for example, to reduce the energy consumption in the package and to
massively increase data transmission speed," says AT&S COO Heinz Moitzi.
Innovations of this kind make many technical revolutions and digitalisation
possible in the first place. They also provide the basis for achieving high
speed in processors (5G).

With this investment, the production capacity for IC cores can be increased by
50 percent. The facility at Leoben-Hinterberg currently produces 225,000 panels
per year, which is equivalent to an area of 56,000 square metres or nearly eight
football fields. After the technology upgrade, the production capacity will
increase to nearly 340,000 panels. "Neither our plants in China nor in Austria
would exist if our experts did not work together perfectly and pool their know-
how across borders", says CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer. "We use these synergies.
Many European companies in our industry have lost their importance. In contrast,
we are not only one of the global market leaders in the high-end printed circuit
board industry, but we continue to grow."

The technology upgrade will be carried out as part of the IPCEI on
Microelectronics project, which was initiated by the EU and adopted by the
Austrian Council of Ministers on 8 July. AT&S is one of three Austrian companies
that can expect additional funding as part of the IPCEI-Microelectronics project
in autumn. IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) strengthens
and enables the support of investments in strategically important key
technologies within the EU in global competition. Overall, 29 companies in
Europe are supported with a total of 150 million euros.

"The investments boost at AT&S is an important signal that innovation cannot be
stopped, despite the crisis," says Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck. "The
COVID-19 pandemic is currently showing us how important digitalisation is in all
areas of life - from industry and the economy to education. The fact that there
is an Austrian company that works with renowned international partners on
driving digitalisation proves just how much know-how we have in Austria."

"With a research and development rate of 4.91%, Styria holds a top position in
Europe. The future of our economy lies in innovation and technological progress.
I am very proud that we have internationally operating companies like AT&S,
which also invest in times like these," says Hermann Schützenhöfer, Provincial
Governor of Styria. "Because what we need most of all right now is confidence -
to ensure that our economy picks up again as quickly as possible and as many
jobs as possible are secure."

"AT&S is a key leading company in Styria. With its products and research
activities, the company makes a significant contribution to Styria's position as
Austria's number one region in innovation and research and in Europe's top
group. The positive development of the microelectronics core field in the south
of Austria is also inseparably linked with AT&S. The current investment is a
future project that signals a positive mood, especially in the situation we are
currently experiencing. I would like to thank Andreas Gerstenmayer and the
entire AT&S team for this strong commitment to Styria as a business location,"
says Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, member of the provincial government responsible for
economic affairs.

Further inquiry note:
Gerald Reischl, Director Communications & Public Relations
Tel: +43 3842 200 4252; Mobile: +43 664 8859 2452; g.reischl@ats.net

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Fabriksgasse 13
8700 Leoben / Österreich

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

Pictures with Announcement:
issuer:       AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft
              Fabriksgasse  13
              A-8700 Leoben
phone:        03842 200-0
mail:         ir@ats.net
WWW:          www.ats.net
ISIN:         AT0000969985
indexes:      ATX, ATX GP, WBI, VÖNIX
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English