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EANS-News: Flughafen Wien Group Continues Upswing: Substantial Passenger Growth and Perceptible Earnings Improvement in the First Three Months of 2017

17.05.2017 – 08:02 
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  distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

Quaterly Report

Wien-Flughafen - 
Flughafen Wien Group Continues Upswing: Substantial Passenger Growth and
Perceptible Earnings Improvement in the First Three Months of 2017

- REVENUE increase to EUR 160.6 million (+4.3%), EBITDA rise to EUR 60.7 million
(+1.6%), EBIT improvement to EUR 26.0 million (+3.5%)

- NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD*) increases significantly to EUR 15.9 million

- NET DEBT further reduced to EUR 324.6 million (down EUR 30.9 million from the
end of 2016) - 2017 target already achieved

- Free cash flow of EUR 40.7 million (Q1/2016: EUR 116.2 million)

- Strong April 2017 with passenger growth of 14.6% at Vienna Airport (even
+16.8% in the Flughafen Wien Group), 6.9% rise in passenger volume at Vienna
Airport in the period January to April 2017 (even higher increase of 9.7% in the

*) Net profit for the period before non-controlling interests

Note: Q1/2016 figures adjusted; in accordance with an assessment of the Austrian
Financial Market Authority regarding the consolidation of Malta Airport, the
consolidated financial statements and consolidated interim financial statements
of Flughafen Wien AG for 2016 were restated as if Malta Airport had been
consolidated from 2006.

"The 2017 financial year has begun very well for Vienna Airport, and with Q1/
2017 we have been able to achieve substantial improvements in revenue and
earnings for the sixth straight year. The Vienna Airport site is also thriving.
The new Moxy Hotel was recently opened, the expansion of the cargo centre and
planning for Office Park 4 are in full swing, and a logistics partner will soon
begin constructing its operations centre in the immediate vicinity of the
airport. This underlines the role of the airport as a vital job creator and
driver of the economy in the entire region. The airport needs a third runway to
ensure that this will remain the case in the future", explains Günther Ofner,
Member of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG.

"Passenger volume at Vienna Airport is developing excellently. Following the
good level of growth in the first quarter of 2017, we recorded a strong rise of
14.6% in april in the number of passengers, which is mainly due to the new
offerings in the summer flight schedule and the Easter holidays. Flight traffic
to Eastern Europe also expanded strongly, and we achieved growth of more than
35% to and from Russia in April 2017 due to the additional services offered.
This good development is also reflected in rising income from the shopping and
food & beverage businesses. The expected passenger growth of up to 2% in the
entire year 2017 could be surpassed if the very favourable development at
present continues. That is why more runway capacity on the ground will be
necessary in the long term", adds Julian Jäger, Member of the Management Board
of Flughafen Wien AG.

Traffic development in Q1/2017: Flughafen Wien Group handles 5.6 million

Vienna Airport including its foreign strategic investments in Malta Airport and
Kosice Airport handled 5.6 million passengers in the period January to March
2017, representing a 6.6% increase in passenger volume compared to the prior-
year period.

Vienna Airport: 3.7% passenger growth in the first three months of 2017

The number of passengers handled at the Vienna Airport flight hub rose by 3.7%
to 4,562,824 travellers from January to March 2017 in spite of the Easter
holidays in April this year. The number of local passengers was up 4.5% in the
first three months of 2017, whereas the volume of transfer passengers climbed by
0.8%. Passenger traffic to Western Europe was up 3.7% compared to the 3.6%
increase in people flying to Eastern European destinations. Far Eastern
destinations showed a 4.4% growth in passenger volume, and the number of
passengers flying to the Middle East rose by 9.8% in this period. Due to
seasonal capacity decreases and the deployment of smaller aircraft, the total
number of passengers flying to North America fell by 19.4%. In contrast,
passenger volume to Africa developed positively, expanding by 13.6%.

The number of flight movements fell by 2.0% in the period January to March 2017
from the prior-year level to 47,864 starts and landings. The average seat
occupancy (seat load factor) showed a largely stable development at 66.7% in the
first three months of the year 2017 compared to 66.8% in the previous year.
Cargo volume (air cargo and trucking) increased by 1.4% in the same period to
65,440 tonnes.

Good traffic and business development at Malta and Kosice airports

The foreign strategic investments of the Flughafen Wien Group in Malta and
Kosice Airports are also developing well. Malta Airport reported a strong rise
in passenger volume of 22.2% to 981,955 passengers in the first three months of
2017. During the same period, Kosice Airport reported a considerable rise of
8.5% in a year-on-year comparison, handling a total of 76,472 passengers.

Substantial improvements in financial performance indicators in Q1/2017

Revenue of the Flughafen Wien Group in the first three months of 2017 were up
4.3% to EUR 160.6 million, whereas EBITDA rose 1.6% to EUR 60.7 million. EBIT
improved by 3.5% to EUR 26.0 million, and the net profit for the period
increased by 9.8% to EUR 15.9 million in Q1/2017 due to the improved financial
results. Net debt was reduced once again to EUR 324.6 million. The free cash
flow totalled EUR 40.7 million (Q1/2016: EUR 116.2 million).

Revenue and earnings development in the segments

Revenue of the Airport Segment climbed 1.4% in Q1/2017 from the prior-year
period to EUR 75.0 million. Segment EBIT improved to EUR 4.7 million (Q1/2016:
EUR 4.3 million). The Handling Segment showed a 8.9% increase in revenue to EUR
39.0 million, and segment EBIT was up to EUR 2.5 million (Q1/2016: EUR 0.1
million). This includes the security services provided by VIAS as well as the
handling services of Vienna Aircraft Handling (VAH) and Vienna Passenger
Handling Services (VPHS). The Retail & Properties Segment reported a revenue
increase of 3.2% in the first three months of 2017 to EUR 29.4 million. This
rise can be attributed to higher shopping, F&B (food & beverage) and rental
income. EBIT of the Retail & Properties Segment amounted to EUR 13.5 million
(Q1/2016: EUR 15.5 million). Revenue of the Malta Segment was up 15.8% to EUR
13.4 million, and the segment's EBIT improved to EUR 3.5 million compared to EUR
1.8 million in the prior-year period. Revenue of the Other Segments fell 8.4% to
EUR 3.8 million, and segment EBIT amounted to EUR 1.9 million (Q1/2016: EUR 3.3


Total investments in the first three months of 2017 amounted to EUR 35.6
million, with the largest share or EUR 14.2 million for purchases of land for
the development of property projects, followed by investments of EUR 4.3 million
in the expansion of the Air Cargo Center, EUR 4.2 million for terminal
renovations at Malta Airport and EUR 1.5 million relating to the expansion of a
transformer station.

Traffic development in April 2017:

Strong passenger growth of the Flughafen Wien Group to 2.7 million passengers

In April 2017, the Flughafen Wien Group (Vienna Airport, Malta Airport and
Kosice Airport) handled a total of 2.7 million passengers, comprising an
increase of 16.8% from April 2016. The accumulated passenger volume for the
Flughafen Wien Group rose 9.7% to 8.3 million passengers in the period January
to April 2017. Vienna Airport also developed very well, reporting a 6.9%
increase in passenger volume to 6,683,622 travellers in the months of January to
April 2017.

Vienna Airport in April 2017: Sharp rise of 14.6% in passenger traffic

Vienna Airport handled 2,120,798 passengers in April 2017, representing an
increase of 14.6% from April 2016. The number of local passengers was up 14.8%,
and the volume of transfer passengers rose by 14.6%. The number of flight
movements was down 1.7% in the month of April 2017, and cargo volume also
declined year-on-year, falling by 3.6%.

The number of passengers flying from Vienna Airport to Western European was up
by 11.4% in April 2017, whereas passenger traffic to Eastern European
destinations showed a strong increase of 20.4%. Passenger volume to the Far East
climbed 19.7% in April 2017, compared to a 25.5% increase in travellers to the
Middle East. Passenger growth to North America was 22.3%, and the number of
passengers flying to Africa climbed by 98.2%, due to the expanded offerings of
flights to destinations in Egypt and Ethiopia.

Malta Airport reported strong growth of 26.6% in the number of passengers it
handled in April 2017. Passenger volume at Kosice Airport also rose
considerably, increasing by 12.5%.

Forecast for passenger development and financial guidance for 2017

Passenger development to date in 2017 increases the probability that passenger
development of Flughafen Wien AG will surpass the previous maximum expected
growth of 2% in the original guidance for the entire year 2017 for Flughafen
Wien AG and outperform the upper range of 3% forecast for the Flughafen Wien
Group. Revenue is expected to rise to more than EUR 740 million, and EBITDA of
more than EUR 315 million is targeted. From today's perspective, the net profit
after taxes should reach a level of at least EUR 120 million. The net debt of
the company should be reduced below EUR 350 million.

Results in detail - Traffic development in April 2017:
|              |  April 2017   |Change in %    | January-April |  Change in %  |
|Vienna Airport|               |               |               |               |
|Local         |      1,560,450|          +14.8|      5,021,793|           +7.5|
|Transfer      |        555,650|          +14.6|      1,625,718|           +5.1|
|Flight        |               |               |               |               |
|movements     |         18,631|           -1.7|         66,495|           -1.9|
|(arrivals and |               |               |               |               |
|Cargo in      |               |               |               |               |
|tonnes (air   |         24,166|           -3.6|         89,606|           -0.0|
|cargo and     |               |               |               |               |
|Malta Airport |               |               |               |               |
|(MLA, fully   |               |               |               |               |
|Local         |        528,490|          +27.3|      1,500,814|          +23.6|
|Transfer      |          2,086|         +460.8|          7,196|         +278.3|
|Flight        |               |               |               |               |
|movements     |          3,639|          +13.0|         11,321|          +17.4|
|(arrivals and |               |               |               |               |
|Cargo in      |               |               |               |               |
|tonnes (air   |          1,098|           -6.9|          4,777|           +6.4|
|cargo and     |               |               |               |               |
|Kosice Airport|               |               |               |               |
|(KSC,         |               |               |               |               |
|consolidated  |               |               |               |               |
|Local         |         30,672|          +12.5|        107,144|           +9.6|
|Transfer      |              -|              -|              -|              -|
|Flight        |               |               |               |               |
|movements     |            460|           +3.6|          1,655|          +13.6|
|(arrivals and |               |               |               |               |
|Cargo in      |               |               |               |               |
|tonnes (air   |              2|          -82.3|             14|          -34.8|
|cargo and     |               |               |               |               |
|Vienna Airport|               |               |               |               |
|and strategic |               |               |               |               |
|investments   |               |               |               |               |
|(VIE, MLA,    |               |               |               |               |
|Local         |      2,119,612|          +17.7|      6,629,751|          +10.8|
|Transfer      |        557,736|          +14.9|      1,632,914|           +5.5|
|Flight        |               |               |               |               |
|movements     |         22,730|           +0.5|         79,471|           +0.7|
|(arrivals and |               |               |               |               |
|Cargo in      |               |               |               |               |
|tonnes (air   |         25,266|           -3.8|         94,397|           +0.3|
|cargo and     |               |               |               |               |

Income Statement
|Other operating   |                2.3|                3.6|              -36.4|
|Consumables and   |              -10.6|               -9.2|              +16.1|
|Other operating   |              -24.4|              -22.2|              +10.1|
|Proportional share|                   |                   |                   |
|of income from    |                0.3|                0.2|              +71.2|
|companies recorded|                   |                   |                   |
|Earnings before   |                   |                   |                   |
|interest, taxes,  |                   |                   |                   |
|depreciation and  |               60.7|               59.7|               +1.6|
|amortisation      |                   |                   |                   |
|Scheduled         |                   |                   |                   |
|depreciation and  |              -34.2|              -34.5|               -1.1|
|Earnings before   |                   |                   |                   |
|interest and taxes|               26.0|               25.2|               +3.5|
|Earnings before   |               21.5|               19.7|               +9.1|
|Net profit for the|               15.9|               14.5|               +9.8|
|Thereof           |                   |                   |                   |
|Equity holders of |               14.9|               13.9|               +7.6|
|Non-controlling   |                1.0|                0.7|              +55.6|
|Earnings per share|                   |                   |                   |
|(in EUR, basic =  |               0.18|               0.17|               +7.6|

*) Q1/2016 figures adjusted
**) Earnings per share adjusted according to IAS 33.26

Balance Sheet Indicators
|Non-current       |              650.1|              652.2|               -0.3|
|Current           |              199.1|              222.2|              -10.4|
|Total equity and  |            2,009.2|            2,018.3|               -0.5|

|Net cash flow from|                   |                   |                   |
|operating         |               66.5|               61.2|               +8.7|
|investing         |              -25.8|               55.0|               n.a.|
|financing         |              -32.5|              -94.2|              -65.5|

*) Q1/2016 figures adjusted; **) excluding financial assets

The report by Flughafen Wien AG for the first three months of 2017, from January
1 to March 31, 2017, is available to the general public at the company's offices
at 1300 Flughafen Wien and at Bank Austria, 1010 Vienna, Schottengasse 6-8. It
is also available on the Internet at http://viennaairport.com/en/company/

The Management Board
Vienna Airport, May 17, 2017

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Mag. Judit Helenyi (+43-1)7007-23126; j.helenyi@viennaairport.com
Mario Santi (+43-1)7007-22826; m.santi@viennaairport.com

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Flughafen Wien AG
              Postfach  1
              A-1300 Wien-Flughafen
phone:        +43 1 7007 - 22826
FAX:          +43 1 7007 - 23806
mail:         investor-relations@viennaairport.com
WWW:          http://viennaairport.com/unternehmen/investor_relations
ISIN:         AT00000VIE62
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English