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EANS-Adhoc: FLUGHAFEN WIEN AG / Buy-back of own shares Disclosure of inside information pursuant to Article 17 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

25.10.2019 – 14:44 
  Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation
  (MAR) transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.


Vienna - Airport - FLUGHAFEN WIEN Aktiengesellschaft: Resolution adopted to
repurchase up to 840,000 bearer shares: share price range between EUR 30.00 and
EUR 38.00The share buy-back programme will take place during the period November
4, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Vienna Airport, October 25, 2019.

At today's meeting, the Management Board of Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
resolved to exercise the authorisation granted to it at the Annual General
Meeting held on May 3, 2019 to acquire (buy back) the Company's own (treasury)
shares pursuant to Section 65 Para. 1 (8) Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG),
and to repurchase up to 840,000 no-par value bearer shares, corresponding to up
to 1% of the Company's share capital, at a price between the level of EUR 30.00
per share to a maximum of EUR 38.00 per share, in the period November 4, 2019 to
June 30, 2020.

The terms and conditions of the share buy-back programme are as follows:

1. Day of the authorising resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting: May
3, 2019

2. Day and method of publication of this resolution approved by the Annual
General Meeting: May 3, 2019 on the Website of Flughafen Wien AG
(www.viennaairport.com) as well as pursuant to Section 65 Para. 1 (8) as well as
Para. 1a and 1b Austrian Stock Exchange Act in connection with Section 119 Para.
9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act and Section 2 Austrian Publication Regulation

3. Probable begin and duration of the share buy-back programme: November 4, 2019
to June 30, 2020

4. Type of shares: no-par value bearer shares (ISIN: AT00000VIE62)

5. Intended volume and proportion of repurchased shares as a percentage of total
share capital: up to 840,000 no-par value bearer shares, up to 1% of share

6. Highest and lowest consideration per share to be paid by the Company: not
lower than EUR 30.00 per share and not higher than EUR 38.000 per share.

7. Manner and purpose of the share buy-back programme: the share buy-back
programme will take place via the stock exchange. The buy-back of own (treasury)
shares will be carried out for any legally permissible purpose, and in
accordance with the authorising resolution of the Annual General Meeting of
Flughafen Wien AG held on May 3, 2019. The Company reserves the right to also
resell the repurchased shares pursuant to the authorisation granted by the
Annual General Meeting.

8. Any possible effects of the share buy-back programme on the admission of the
Company's shares to trading on the stock exchange: None

9. Number and allocation of the share options to be granted or which were
already granted to employees, executive staff and individual members of
corporate bodies of Flughafen Wien AG: None

The share buy-backs will be carried out on behalf of Flughafen Wien AG by a
financial institution which will makes its decisions about the time of
acquisition of the Company's own shares independently from the Company, and
which is required to comply with trading conditions pursuant to Article 3
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of March 8, 2018 (DelVO) on share
buy-back programmes.

Pursuant to Section 9 Austrian Publication Regulation, this announcement
replaces the previous publication made in accordance with Section 4 Para.2
Austrian Publication Regulation. This publication also complies with Section 5
Austrian Publication Regulation.

The disclosure of transactions carried out within the context of the share buy-
back programme (or the sale of own shares) will be published on the Internet on
the Website of the Company at https://www.viennaairport.com/en/company__jobs/
investor_relations/vienna_airport_share/treasury_shares [https://

This announcement does not in any way comprise an offer to acquire shares of
Flughafen Wien and does not constitute any obligation on the part of the
Company, to accept any offers to buy back shares of Flughafen Wien AG.

Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna

Further inquiry note:
Corporate Communications:
Stephan Klasmann (+43 1 7007/22300)
e-mail: s.klasmann@viennaairport.com

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Flughafen Wien AG
              Postfach  1
              A-1300 Wien-Flughafen
phone:        +43 1 7007 - 23126
FAX:          +43 1 7007 - 23806
mail:         investor-relations@viennaairport.com
WWW:          http://viennaairport.com/unternehmen/investor_relations
ISIN:         AT00000VIE62
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English