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Relaunch Gipsbomber - SOS-emergency-call-centre launches winter season

21.12.2023 – 11:00 

Innsbruck (ots) -

Flights from Innsbruck to BENELUX are already planned and will bring injured holidaymakers home.

After its launch last winter, the "Gipsbomber" is experiencing a real relaunch thanks to the SOS-Emergency-Call-Centre. "For over 17 years, there was no alternative to the DASH7 for transporting injured holidaymakers home, but now it's the Dornier 328-100 chartered by Private Wings," explains emergency-flight-doctor Robert Török. The aircrafts are like a flying hospital for 18 patients: Depending on the condition and diagnosis of the “ski-tourists”, they are either lying down on stretchers, extended leg rests or seated. After initial treatment in the Austrian hospitals, the patients are flown home for further treatment and recovery. The flight is accompanied by a doctor and medical staff. In the 2000s, around 1,500 patients were repatriated each year, a trend that the new plaster bomber aims to continue. Török: "We hope for few skiing accidents, modern skis and hard slops will also take their toll this year."

The flights will be handled in Innsbruck via the General Aviation Centre in order to ensure a continuous supply.

In the 2023/24 winter season, 8 patient flights to the BENELUX countries are already planned between Christmas and Easter. The destination airport Charleroi (Wallonia) will also be served twice for the first time. Flights to the Netherlands and England are also planned.

Private Wings and SOS-assistance-service

The airline Private Wings has almost 30 years of experience in organizing charter flights. Siegfried Binder, founder of the SOS Emergency Call Centre, Euroambulance and the IQPT Institute, has 31 years of experience in transporting patients with Mobile Intensive Care Units (M.I.C.U.).


CO/Scientific Director of the Advisory Board Prof. Dr h.c. Siegfried Binder, (University "Progres")
Arzler Straße 31, 6020 Innsbruck
office@sos-notrufzentrale.at / +43/0512 282428