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Green Destinations: European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism 2025 competition now open for applications!

18.04.2024 – 12:36 

Brussels (ots) -

The European Commission has launched the 2025 edition of the European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competition, inviting tourism destinations across Europe to showcase their innovative sustainable tourism practices. Building on the legacy of the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN), the European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competition provides a platform for Europe's most sustainable tourism destinations to showcase their exemplary initiatives. The competition is based on the principle of promoting the development of sustainable tourism in smaller destinations that brings value to the economy, the planet, and the people. Benefits for the winner

The winner will become known as a pioneer of smart and sustainable tourism and will receive expert communication and branding support throughout 2025, a hashtag sculpture to be installed in a prominent location, a promotional video and the opportunity to showcase the city's best practices at major EU events or travel fairs. Finalists will also have the chance to join a growing and active network of smart destinations, sharing best practices and learning from one another.

Last year, in the first edition of the competition, the title of European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism 2024 was awarded to Grosseto (Italy). The city has already had the opportunity to host its launch ceremony, install the hashtag sculpture, be present at ITB Berlin, the world's largest travel trade show, and participate in a smart tourism workshop hosted by Dublin, the 2024 European Capital of Smart Tourism.

Who can apply?

The Green Pioneer competition is open to cities with a population between 25.000 - 100.000. For more information, please refer to the European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism Guide for Applicants. The competition is open to cities in the EU and non-EU countries participating in the Single Market Programme (SMP)(1) - the former COSME Programme.

(1) Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine; https://ots.de/6yWbBI

Applications can be submitted via an online form here.

Applications will be accepted until 31 May 2024 at 17:00 CET.

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European Smart Tourism Secretariat:
Sandra Bumbar-Malchow or Antigoni Avgeropoulou
info@smarttourismcapital.eu, +49 (0) 30 70 01 86 390