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EANS-News: Austrian Post reports good business development in 2018 and optimism for 2019

18.01.2019 – 12:37 
  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information

Vienna, January 18, 2019 -

* Austrian Post shows a gratifying business development in 2018: Group revenue
  up +1.0%
* Strategic and organisational focusing in 2019
* Stable outlook confirmed for 2019

The business development of Austrian Post was very satisfactory in the year
2018. Volume developments in the core business of mail and parcel delivery were
slightly above the initial forecasts. The decline in addressed letter mail
volume was somewhat lower than expected, whereas parcel volumes rose strongly by
11% compared to the previous year. The (preliminary) Group revenue in 2018 was
up 1.0% to EUR 1,958m despite the difficult market environment. Revenue growth
of +11.5% in the Parcel & Logistics Division to EUR 552m compensated for the
revenue decline in the Mail & Branch Network Division (-2.5% to EUR 1,412m). As
a result of the good development, the company confirms its positive outlook for
2019. The final results for the 2018 financial year will be published on March
14, 2019.

The fundamental challenges prevailing on the letter mail, direct mail and parcel
markets are expected to remain unchanged in 2019. "Our focus for 2019 will be on
further developing our core business. We want to further expand our service and
quality leadership", CEO Georg Pölzl states.

In the mail business, the launch of an option to choose between time-critical
and not time-critical items (PRIO and ECO letters) in 2018 proved to be a
complete success. This product reform as well as combined physical and
electronic delivery offerings should continue in 2019 to serve as the basis for
enhanced customer value, the stabilisation of revenue and leveraging of further
potential in the mail segment.

In spite of own delivery services initiated by a large-volume customer in the
Vienna area, further volume growth is anticipated in the parcel business. The
top priority is to double Austrian Post's logistics capacities over the medium-
term. The first step of a comprehensive investment programme was already taken
with the start of construction of a new logistics centre in Hagenbrunn. It
should be completed on schedule in the summer of 2019, enabling additional
sorting capacity of approx. 14,000 parcels per hour, which will result in an
increase of more than 25% in capacity. A further expansion of sorting capacities
is being planned in light of the expected future parcel volume flows.

In addition to the operating performance, particular attention will be paid to
the strategic and organisational enhancement of the Group. Logistics units in
the mail and parcel businesses are being merged, enabling the company to
leverage additional synergies and further expand its quality leadership position
in the Austrian mail and parcel markets. Furthermore, the structural groundwork
should be laid in 2019 for the offering of financial services by the Austrian
Post branch network as of the year 2020.

Precisely fulfilling customer needs is the key to success. "In the future we
want to continue being a reliable and trustworthy partner for our customers and
shareholders", CEO Georg Pölzl states. As already predicted, the company targets
a stable development of revenue and operating earnings for 2019 as well. This
solid development should serve as the basis for Austrian Post to maintain its
clear capital market positioning as a reliable dividend stock.

Further inquiry note:
Austrian Post 
Ingeborg Gratzer 
Head of Press Relations & Internal Communications 
Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-32010 

Austrian Post 
Harald Hagenauer 
Head of Investor Relations, Group Auditing & Compliance 
Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-30400 

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Österreichische Post AG
              Rochusplatz  1
              A-1030 Wien
phone:        +43 (0)57767-0
mail:         investor@post.at
WWW:          www.post.at
ISIN:         AT0000APOST4
indexes:      ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English