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19.07.2021 – 13:45 
  Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation
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Earnings Forecast/Mid Year Results

Vienna, 19. July 2021 -

Ongoing high parcel volumes in H1, continued decline in letter mail

* Austrian parcel volumes +20.3%, Türkey +24.2%, CEE +20.8%
* Letter mail volumes -2.8%, direct mail volumes +2,0%

H1 2021 revenue up by 28.4% to EUR 1,260m (+12.0% excl. Aras Kargo)

* Mail Division: +3.0% to EUR 608m
* Parcel & Logistics Division: +70.7% to EUR 628m (+27.0% excl. Aras Kargo)

Earnings expectation (EBIT) H1 2021 of EUR 103m (EUR 44m in Q2)

Earnings forecast (EBIT) 2021: targeted improvement of at least 20% vs. previous

Following the dramatic social disruptions and economic downturn triggered by the
COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the second quarter of 2020, the first six
months of 2021 showed a recovery of the business activities of many customer
groups. Nevertheless, the business development of Austrian Post will continue to
be impacted by various restrictions in the current financial year. A tough five-
week first-quarter lockdown was followed by a gradual opening of different areas
of public and social life starting in the second quarter of the year. Following
pandemic-related additional revenue in the first quarter, the second quarter of
2021 showed a certain normalisation. In the parcel segment, weaker growth was
recorded following high increases in the prior-year quarter. The decline in mail
volumes continued, now at a lower level following an increased reduction in the
previous year.

According to the preliminary figures, Group revenue of Austrian Post climbed by
28.4% in the first six months of 2021 to EUR 1,260m. The Turkish subsidiary Aras
Kargo, fully consolidated since 25 August 2020, also contributed about EUR 160m
to revenue growth in this period. Excluding Aras Kargo, the increase in revenue
equalled 12.0%. The Mail Division accounted for EUR 608m (+3.0%) of total
Austrian Post revenue, whereas the Parcel & Logistics Division generated revenue
of EUR 628m (+70.7% or +27.0% excl. Aras Kargo) and the Retail & Bank Division
revenue of EUR 34m (+18.9%).

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) in the first half of 2021 are expected
to equal EUR 103m. This performance represents a doubling of the first half-year
2020 results, which suffered from massive negative COVID-19-related effects.

The company aims at achieving an earnings improvement in the current financial
year of at least 20% compared to the prior-year level (basis 2020 EBIT: EUR

Comprehensive disclosure for the first half of 2021 will be published on 12
August 2021.

Further inquiry note:
Austrian Post
Ingeborg Gratzer
Head of Press Relations & Internal Communications
Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-32010

Austrian Post
Harald Hagenauer
Head of Investor Relations, Group Auditing & Compliance
Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-30400

end of announcement                         euro adhoc
issuer:       Österreichische Post AG
              Rochusplatz  1
              A-1030 Wien
phone:        +43 (0)57767-0
mail:         investor@post.at
WWW:          www.post.at
ISIN:         AT0000APOST4
indexes:      ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English