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euro adhoc: Lenzing AG / quarterly or semiannual financial statement / Lenzing Group: 2007 half-year record results

27.08.2007 – 08:10 
  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
6-month report
Strong demand for Lenzing fibers continues - segment Plastics grows 
due to acquisitions - expansion to continue in second half
Business developed successfully in all relevant segments, and 
especially in core segment Fibers, in the first half of 2007.The 
dynamic expansion of segments Fibers and Plastics continued, 
resulting in the best half-year result in the history of the company.
Consolidated sales went up by 15.9% to EUR 618.2 mill. for the first 
six months of 2007 (reference period 2006: EUR 533.5 mill.). The 
increase in sales was due to increased production, further product 
mix improvements, price adaptations in core segment fibers and strong
growth through acquisitions in segment Plastics.
EBIT improved by 31.5% to a new half-year record of EUR 66.3 mill. 
(reference period 2006: EUR 50.4 mill.). The financial result 
improved from minus EUR 6.4 mill. to minus EUR 4.6 mill. EBT was EUR 
61.7 mill. (reference period 2006: EUR 44.0 mill.). The period net 
income of EUR 46.1 mill. was 45.4% higher than that of the first six 
months of 2006 (EUR 31.7 mill.). At the end of June 2007 the Lenzing 
Group employed a staff of 5,820 (31 December 2006:5.044). This 
increase was caused by the start-up of production at the new viscose 
fiber plant in Nanjing (China) and by company acquisitions in segment
Excellent development of segment Fibers
The business development of segment Fibers was characterized by the 
positive economic environment of the fiber industry, and in 
particular by the continuing strong demand for high-quality cellulose
fibers in the emerging markets, wich was strong for textile fibers as
well as for nonwoven fibers. Raw material and energy price increases 
were absorbed by fiber price adaptations. All fiber production 
facilities of the Lenzing Group continue to run at full capacity. 
Stock levels are at an all-time low, despite continuous production 
increases. Orders have been booked for many weeks in advance.
Good performance of Segments Plastics und Engineering
Segment Plastics continued its gratifying business development. Three
acquisitions of strategic importance (Hahl Group GmbH, assets of 
Glassmaster und Pedex + Co. GmbH) were realized in the first six 
months of 2007, making the company a global supplier of 
monofilament-based industrial brushes with an attractive position in 
the market.
Another strategic milestone and growth leap was the entry into the 
business field carbon fibers, a manufacturing material with great 
economic potential due to its high strength.
Segment Engineering obtained strong order bookings against the 
background of the good investment climate in the international 
cellulose and viscose industries and achieved a satisfactory result. 
There was no change in the result of segment Paper.
The positive general economic situation will continue throughout the 
second half of 2007. Recent uncertainty in US capital markets has so 
far had no negative impact on the business segments of the Lenzing 
Group. Increased raw material and energy prices can be absorbed by 
product price increases due to good demand. Cost savings were 
implemented by internal efficiency increases. The weakening dollar, 
however, will exert increasing pressure on the European textile fiber
Lenzing will continue its course of expansion in the second half of 
the year as well. The excellent development of segment Fibers and the
very good performance of Plastics and Engineering lead us to expect a
new record result for 2007, provided there will be no significant 
change in the global economic climate.
|Key Group figures (IFRS) in EUR mill.       |1-6/   |1-6/  |
|                                            |2007   |2006  |
|Consolidated sales                          |618.2  |533.5 |
|EBITDA                                      |99.1   |81.8  |
|EBIT                                        |66.3   |50.4  |
|EBT                                         |61.7   |44.0  |
|Net income                                  |46.1   |31.7  |
|Gross cash flow                             |82.4   |76.2  |
|Capital expenditure for intangibles,        |72.6   |36.4  |
|property, plant and equipment               |       |      |
|                                            |30/6/  |31/12/|
|                                            |2007   |      |
|                                            |       |2006  |
|Equity adjusted *                           |533.2  |542.9 |
|Staff                                       |5,820  |5,044 |
*Incl. government grants less proportionate deferred taxes
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.08.2007 07:10:24

Further inquiry note:

Lenzing AG
Mag. Angelika Guldt
Tel.: +43 (0) 7672-701-2713
Fax: +43 (0) 07672-96301

Branche: Chemicals
ISIN: AT0000644505
WKN: 852927
Index: WBI
Börsen: Börse Berlin / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing