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EANS-DD: Lenzing AG / Notification concerning transactions by persons performing managerial responsibilities pursuant to article 19 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

10.08.2020 – 16:13 
  Directors' Dealings-Announcement pursuant to artikle 19 MAR transmitted by
  euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

personal data:

responsible party:

name: Oberbank AG (legal person)



reason: responsible party is a legal person associate to a person with
managerial responsibilities
name and surname: Franz Gasselsberger
function: Member of an administrative or supervisory board


issuer information:

name: Lenzing AG


information about deal:

ISIN: AT0000644505
description of the financial instrument: Share
type: acquisition
date: 07.08.2020; UTC+02:00
market: Vienna Stock Exchange - XVIE
currency: Euro

               price               volume
               40,20                  500

total volume: 500
total price: 20,100
average price: 40.20


end of announcement                         euro adhoc
issuer:       Lenzing AG

              A-4860 Lenzing
phone:        +43 7672-701-0
FAX:          +43 7672-96301
mail:         office@lenzing.com
WWW:          http://www.lenzing.com
ISIN:         AT0000644505
indexes:      ATX, WBI
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English