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EANS-News: Wienerberger Sustainability Report Wins ASRA Award Once More

16.11.2021 – 09:30  Wienerberger AG    [newsroom]
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Company Information

Vienna -

* Wienerberger Sustainability Program 2023 contains ambitious goals focusing on
  decarbonization, circular economy and biodiversity
* Award in the category "Large companies and organizations"
* Fifth ASRA Award in a row confirms rigorous sustainability strategy

The Wienerberger Sustainability Report has won the renowned Austrian
Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) for the fifth time in a row in the "Large
Companies and organizations" category. This year, the consistent and transparent
implementation of the Sustainability Strategy 2023 was honored. Each year, the
ASRA is awarded to companies that live up to the highest standards of
sustainable business management and provide a transparent account of their
activities in their sustainability reports.

The Wienerberger Sustainability Report 2020 and the Sustainability Program 2023
it presented impressed with the consistent and transparent implementation of the
sustainability strategy, and the focus on current topics such as
decarbonization, circular economy and biodiversity.

Each year ASRA is awarded to Austrian companies who publish the best
sustainability reports.

Within the framework of its Sustainability Program 2023, the Wienerberger Group
again set ambitious targets in 2020 aimed at continuing its value-creating
growth course in the years to come. Based on its commitment to sustainable
growth, Wienerberger has defined strict ESG (environmental, social and
governance) criteria as part of its corporate strategy and is thus assuming
responsibility towards people and the natural environment.

Heimo Scheuch, Wienerberger CEO says, "In light of climate change it is
essential that we reduce greenhouse gases throughout our entire value creation
cycle and offer smart solutions for resource-efficient construction and
renovation. As a company with worldwide operations, we are well aware of our
responsibility and are therefore utterly committed to achieving our ambitious
sustainability goals. We also want to make our contribution to the European
Green Deal. Winning this award again is yet another impressive confirmation of
our sustainable business strategy of creating value for the future and improving
people's quality of life."

Zwtl.: Sustainability Goals 2023: Decarbonization, Circular Economy and

Wienerberger acts proactively to master the global ecological, social and
societal challenges. With the group-wide commitment to ambitious goals and with
innovative products and systems, the company develops forward-looking solutions
for decarbonization, the circular economy and biodiversity. Wienerberger has set
itself the goal of cutting emissions by 15% by 2023 as compared to 2020 and to
be climate neutral by 2050 at the latest. In future, all new Wienerberger
products will be 100% reusable or recyclable. In addition, Wienerberger is
continuously increasing the share of secondary raw materials and recycled
substances used in production. In the plastic pipe sector, the current targets
were achieved two years earlier than originally planned. Wienerberger makes
every effort to preserve the natural environment and is implementing
biodiversity programs throughout the Group for all production sites and clay

Heimo Scheuch adds, "The loss of biodiversity over the past 40 years has been
unprecedented and we are determined to counteract this development. Our product
range for roofs and facades includes nesting boxes for birds and bats, and
ceramic products can be fitted with insect hotels and nesting options for small
mammals. With our Biodiversity Program, one of the mainstays of the Wienerberger
Sustainability Program 2023, we actively contribute towards ensuring that future
generations have the same opportunities as we have today."

The Wienerberger Sustainability Update 2021 is available for download as a PDF
under https://www.wienerberger.com/en/sustainability.html

Zwtl.: About the Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA)

The ASRA Award is intended to promote sustainability reporting according to
international standards in Austria and to draw attention to innovative reports.
The Award is sponsored by the Chamber of Certified Public Accountants in
cooperation with the Institute of Austrian Certified Public Accountants, the
Ministry of Life, the Federal Environmental Agency, the Confederation of
Austrian Industries and respACT (the Austrian business council for sustainable
development) the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the Austrian Society for
Environment and Technology.

Zwtl.: Wienerberger Group

The Wienerberger Group is a leading international provider of smart solutions
for the entire building envelope and for infrastructure. Wienerberger is the
world's largest producer of bricks (Porotherm, Terca) and the market leader in
clay roof tiles (Koramic, Tondach) in Europe as well as concrete pavers
(Semmelrock) in Eastern Europe. In pipe systems (Steinzeug-Keramo ceramic pipes
and Pipelife plastic pipes), the company is one of the leading suppliers in
Europe. With its total of 197 production sites, the Wienerberger Group generated
revenues of EUR 3.4 billion and EBITDA LFL of EUR 566 million in 2020.

Further inquiry note:
Claudia Hajdinyak, Head of Corporate Communications Wienerberger AG
t +43 664 828 31 83 | claudia.hajdinyak@wienerberger.com

Mark van Loon, Senior Vice President Sustainability & Innovation Wienerberger
t +31 612476631 | mark.van.loon@wienerberger.com

end of announcement                         euro adhoc
issuer:       Wienerberger AG
              Wienerbergerplatz 1
              A-1100 Wien
phone:        +43 1 60 192-0
FAX:          +43 1 60 192-10159
mail:         office@wienerberger.com
WWW:          www.wienerberger.com
ISIN:         AT0000831706, AT0000A2GLA0
indexes:      ATX
stockmarkets: Wien
language:     English