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New measurement method: Cleaner traffic thanks to Big Data

24.04.2023 – 12:03  UZE Mobility GmbH    [newsroom]

New York City / Bremen (Germany) (ots) -

The startup UZE Mobility, together with T-Systems, has successfully tested a new ISO-based measurement method for CO2 emissions from traffic. The special feature here is that CO2 emissions can be measured with street-level accuracy and in real time. This means that traffic managers in cities can now precisely identify causes of CO2 emissions and take efficient measures to reduce exhaust gases or justify their costs.

This is how the field test went

For the field test, UZE Mobility equipped cabs with its digital, self-illuminating roof monitors. The sensors integrated into the roof monitors record the vehicles' GPS data. UZE Mobility uses the fully anonymized GPS information, among other things, for geographically accurate advertising that can be switched according to predefined times, areas and weather conditions.

The GPS data was sent from the UZE Mobility data marketplace via 5G mobile communications over an interface to the "Low Carbon Mobility Management" calculation server (LCMM for short) from T-Systems. The LCMM server's algorithm then detects where traffic is congested or where there is stop-and-go traffic. The LCMM server also stores the vehicle classes. This enables the LCMM algorithm to calculate the fuel consumption and thus the CO2 emissions of the traffic geographically precisely in real time and to map emission patterns.

Clean Air Thanks to Big Data

Using these emission patterns, city traffic managers can now identify causes of poor air quality due to traffic with geographic and time precision in order to derive traffic measures or justify their costs.

Process transferable worldwide

To ensure that the road-accurate calculation for determining fuel consumption and the resulting CO2 emissions is performed in real time in a comparable manner worldwide, there is the standard: ISO 23795-1 www.iso.org/standard/76971.html. It provides a calculation of CO2 emissions that is transparent to everyone. LCMM has fully implemented the ISO standard for the first time. The LCMM concept based on the ISO standard also enables fleets, cabs or transport logistics to create resilient CO2 certificates.


Christian Fischer
Mobile: +49 (0) 152 227 227 50
Mail: christian@uze-mobility.com