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Germany Sets Quarterly Record for Renewable Energy Generation

06.06.2024 – 15:46  Germany Trade & Invest    [newsroom]

Berlin (ots) -

European largest economy generated and fed into the national grid 121.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in the first quarter of 2024.

Renewables accounted for 58.4 percent of all electricity produced in Germany in the first three months of this year. That is more than for any quarter since statistics of this sort began to be collected in 2018.

The 121.5 billion kilowatt hours represented an annual increase of 11.6 percent. The amount of conventionally produced electricity declined by 25.4 percent and represented 41.6 percent of national power generation.

Wind power recorded an annual increase of five billion kilowatt hours or 12 percent, accounting for 38.5 percent of Germany electricity. Solar power production rose by 1.4 billion kilowatt hours (+21 percent) and comprised 6.6 percent of Germany’s national electricity.

“Never before has so much renewably generated energy been produced and fed into the grid in Germany,” says Germany Trade & Invest Director of Energy, Building and Environmental Technologies Thomas Grigoleit. “Almost 60 percent climate-friendly electricity shows that the expansion of wind and solar capacities continues to bear fruit, and that Germany is on the way toward climate neutrality.

Germany Trade & Invest is the German government agency for international business promotion and is owned by the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Change. It helps international companies do business in Germany and German companies do business abroad.


Jefferson Chase, Senior Communications Manager
Germany Trade & Invest
Friedrichstrasse 60
10117 Berlin, Germany
+49 1796873724