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gegenwind2011 Rhein-Main e.V.

"Deutschland fliegt nicht" - Germany Grounded
Nationwide campaign against domestic flights begins on Nov. 11th, 2019 at Frankfurt Int. Airport

Hochheim (ots)

"From Feb. 10th until Feb. 16th 2020 we wish that as many people as possible give up their private or business domestic flights and stay grounded", so the official statement from "Gegenwind 2011".

The nationwide campaign "Germany doesn't fly" is much more than a normal protest. Simply not flying is more effective than waiting for bans, regulations and laws. The campaign, therefore, appeals to good sense and seeks to change habits.

The call to stop all domestic flights is addressed to companies, associations, institutions and all political parties. Because sustainable flying, means not flying.

The campaign, is financed by membership fees and donations and is created in such way that everybody should vote online from Nov. 11th, 2019 on to support "Germany does not fly". In addition, by Feb. 2020, several social media events are planned in entire Germany.

"During the "Germany does not fly" week we moved the "Just-Do-Nothing" philosophy up front. It was created by Confucius 3000 years ago. We use the power of doing nothing to finally reach what politicians obviously haven't reached: less aircraft in the air, less noise, less CO2 and less ultrafine dust" says the philosopher Dr. Hans-Peter Huppert ("The Sins of Sustainability").

Online from Nov. 11th, 2019:

Responsible: "Germany doesn't fly" is a campaign of the non-profit citizens initiatives:

- GEGENWIND 2011 Rhein-Main e.V., Hochheim 
- Initiative Klima-, Umwelt- und Lärmschutz im Luftverkehr e.V. Mainz
- Stop Fluglärm e.V. Frankfurt


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