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gegenwind2011 Rhein-Main e.V.

The campaign of the year 2020 against domestic flights has started at Frankfurt Int. Airport
"Deutschland-fliegt-nicht" die Kampagne des Jahres 2020 gegen Inlandsflüge startete im Frankfurter Flughafen

Hochheim (ots)

Thousands of people celebrated on Monday Nov. 11th the opening of the nationwide campaign "Germany-does-not-fly" and gave a clear statement not to use any domestic flights between Feb. 10th until Feb. 16th 2020.

The call to stop all domestic flights is addressed to companies, associations, institutions and all political parties. Because sustainable flying, means not flying.

"Germany-does-not fly" is the first non-protest campaign which moved the "Just-Do-Nothing" philosophy up front. This idea was created by Confucius almost 3000 years ago. "With the power of doing nothing we will finally reach what politicians obviously haven't reached: less aircraft in the air, less noise, less CO2 and less ultrafine dust. Simply not flying is more effective than waiting for bans, regulations and laws. The campaign, therefore, appeals to good sense and seeks to change habits" says the philosopher Dr. Hans-Peter Huppert ("The Sins of Sustainability").

Frankfurt Airport was the perfect stage for the "Just-Do-Nothing-Sofa" which will go on tour around Germany within the next three month. Everybody is invited to sit on it, make a selfie and join the campaign. On or Facebook everybody can vote from now on and confess not to fly.

The Video of the grand Opening at Frankfurt Int. Airport is available at:


"Germany-does-not-fly" is a campaign of the non-profit citizens 

- GEGENWIND 2011 Rhein-Main e.V., Hochheim 
- Initiative Klima-, Umwelt- und Lärmschutz im Luftverkehr e.V. Mainz
- Stop Fluglärm e.V. Frankfurt


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