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ads-tec GmbH

ads-tec GmbH: High-performance Energy Storage Systems

Leinfelden-Echterdingen (ots)

ads-tec is developer and producer of electric high-performance battery and storage systems and supplier of customized battery systems. More than 30 years of experience and expert knowledge in system development is characteristic for the 100% inhouse development solutions from ads-tec.

With lithium-ion batteries ads-tec utilizes the latest in storage technology. More than 100.000 ads-tec lithium-ion battery packs on a small scale are already in use around the world. ads-tec develops and produces beyond that modular and scalable high- performance Energy storage systems inhouse for kWh and mWh usage. The performances of ads-tec are the provision of complete Energy Storage Systems including Battery Management System (BMS), temperature control, mechanics and housing as well as further requirements. For the stationary energy storage use the expansion to huge clusters and container solutions is also possible and is offered as a complete system.

The product portfolio of ads-tec contains the Storage Rack Battery in 19" Rack format, the Storage Block Battery in a compact and stable housing and the complete Container Systems StoraXe®. Beyond that with the inhouse developed Remote Service Cloud Big-LinX® there is the possibility to connect the energy storage systems to a central management cloud. ads-tec is a founding board member of the competence network for li- ion batteries KliB e.V. ( and is also part of many excellence clusters supported by the federal government for the development of new storage systems for mobile and stationary use along the supply chain.

   Tradeshow MobiliTec - Hall 25, booth K21
   Tradeshow Energy - Hall 27, booth G34
   Tradeshow intersolar europe - Hall B3, booth 270  


ads-tec GmbH
Contact Public Relations
ads-tec GmbH, Petra Enderle M.A.
Raiffeisenstraße 14, D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 45894-424, Fax +49 711 45894-985,

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