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Ringier Axel Springer Media AG

BLIC celebrates its 20th anniversary with special edition

BLIC celebrates its 20th anniversary with special edition
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Zurich (ots)

On September 16, 2016 BLIC, the leading daily paper and news platform in Serbia, published by Ringier Axel Springer Serbia, will celebrate its 20th anniversary. The anniversary will be marked by a special edition of the paper, with a total of 52 pages, illustrated by hand by BLIC author and cartoonist Marko Somborac.

BLIC, which has published 7,000 editions since its launch in 1996, reaches a daily average of 484,762 readers and has a paid circulation of 87,159 copies. With a daily average of 22 million page views and 3.7 million visits per day, its online edition is the leading news website in the region by far (source: Print IPSOS/Distribution, Online-Google analytics / daily average for Jan-July 2016).

Looking back over the past 20 years, the daily has covered all the major national and international political, economic and social developments. Its sports section is one of the most popular sections among readers. As the leading media brand in the region, BLIC was the first to introduce the integrated newsroom, using state-of-the-art technological solutions to offer quality content to its readers.

Jelena Drakulic Petrovic, General Manager Ringier Axel Springer Serbia: "BLIC stands for excellent, independent journalism brought to its readers according to their reading habits. We have been successful in pursuing our video and mobile strategy. None of this would have been possible without the remarkable dedication and professionalism of our journalists. I am looking forward to celebrating with them and wish BLIC all the best for the next 20 years."

Marko Stjepanovic, editor-in-chief "We believe that we offer more than just news: we inform, help, entertain, we fight for citizens' rights, we uncover the truth and we draw attention to challenges and issues others might not want to talk about. We believe in European values and as part our conviction at BLIC, we have given particular importance to the topic of European integration and Serbia's path towards the EU."

BLIC also shows its commitment to the most disadvantaged children in Serbian society and their families. The Blic Foundation has collected more than 100 million dinars since its inception, and helped over 400 children with health or housing problems.

About Ringier Axel Springer Media AG

Ringier Axel Springer Media AG was founded in 2010 by the Swiss Ringier AG and the German Axel Springer SE and bundles the activities of both shareholders in Central and Eastern Europe. The company operates in the growth markets of Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia with a broad range of media services, comprising more than 160 digital and print offerings. The company's registered offices are in Zurich and it employs a total of about 3000 employees.

Press contact:

Alexandra Delvenakiotis
Group Director Communications and Public Affairs
Director Digital Media Campus
Ringier Axel Springer Media AG
Phone +41 44 267 29 14

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