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Ringier Axel Springer Media AG

Romania is making some NOIZZ! Ringier Romania and Ringier Axel Springer Media AG launch digital media service for urban lifestyle to Romania

Romania is making some NOIZZ! Ringier Romania and Ringier Axel Springer Media AG launch digital media service for urban lifestyle to Romania
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Ringier Romania and Ringier Axel Springer Media have launched a new digital media service for an urban and digitally connected target group ("generation C") on the Romanian market. reports in a contemporary and surprising way about everything that moves the generation C. After Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Germany, Romania is the fifth market in which NOIZZ has been rolled out. will report on the latest trends, ranging from fashion and lifestyle to street art and underground music, right up to politics and society. Events, urban nightlife, food, movies and music will be covered by the editorial team. delivers journalistic content to its audience where they spend most of their time online: on their smartphones and on social media. Noizz's main differentiator for the Romanian market will be the storytelling approach.

Hara Ilie, who previously was responsible for the digital entertainment segment at Ringier Romania, will lead the editorial team, which is made up of young journalists. Their offering will be supplemented by guest contributions from bloggers and influencers.

Jovan Protic, Digital Publishing Director of Ringier Axel Springer Media AG: "The launch of now also in Romania is another milestone in the establishment of a pan-European brand for the connected generation C. I am confident that will cater to the interests of users as well as advertising clients in a unique way, thanks to the authenticity and attractiveness of its journalistic content."

Hara Ilie: "With, we plan to become the online destination for cool, connected people in Romania, who want to stand out and make a difference." was launched in Romania as a cooperation between Ringier Romania and Ringier Axel Springer Media AG. Since November 2015, the brand NOIZZ has been operating successfully in Poland and was joined in 2016 by Serbia and Slovakia, in the meantime reaching a total of 7.5 million users per month. In January 2017, it was also launched on the German market in cooperation with Europe's largest daily BILD.

About Ringier Axel Springer Media AG

Ringier Axel Springer Media AG was founded in 2010 by the Swiss Ringier AG and the German Axel Springer SE and bundles the activities of both shareholders in Central and Eastern Europe. The company operates in the growth markets of Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia with a broad range of media services, comprising more than 160 digital and print offerings. The company's registered offices are in Zurich and it employs a total of about 3000 employees.

Press contact

Ringier Axel Springer Media AG
Alexandra Delvenakiotis
Group Director Communications and Public Affairs
Director Digital Media Campus
Ringier Axel Springer Media AG
Phone +41 44 267 29 14

Ringier AG
Media Relations
Dufourstrasse 23
8008 Zürich
Phone +41 44 259 64 44

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