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Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen

PRESS INVITATION: 1st European Corporate Philanthropy and Social Investing Summit on 11 and 12 September in Munich

Meet over 150 corporate social investors and philanthropists at the 1st European Corporate Philanthropy and Social Investing Summit on 11 and 12 September in Munich

EVPA and DAFNE invite you to join the C Summit, the first European Corporate Philanthropy and Social Investing Summit, gathering +150 corporate social investors and corporate philanthropists to share their knowledge and experience. The summit is taking place on 11 and 12 September in Munich, Germany, kindly hosted at the BMW Foundation office at Praterinsel.

For too long, companies have overlooked and undervalued the role of corporate foundations as partners for sustainability. Corporate foundations have been perceived as a nice social appendix to a company's CSR report, or as a means to fulfilling the moral responsibility and stakeholder pressure of being a good corporate citizen. Lately, however, front-running companies and CEOs are starting to recognise and acknowledge corporate foundations as an important strategic stakeholder in building sustainable businesses. Last month, for example, the Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs for some of the US largest companies pledged their support for a new ethos of "stakeholder" capitalism that includes not only customers, employees and suppliers, but also communities.

This year's C Summit is organised under the theme of strategic alignment. Erik Fyrwald, CEO of Syngenta, and Leslie Johnston, Executive Director of C&A Foundation will give the keynotes, and over 20outstanding movers and shakers in the field, such as Essilor, Philips Foundation, Renault Mobiliz, ENDEVA, Sanofi Espoir Foundation, Trafigura Foundation, JTI Foundation and BMW Foundation will be part of interactive sessions and workshops. During the 1.5 days, participants will explore when corporate social investors can align with their related company, and when not, as well as the various ways in which they can align at strategic and/or operational level, in order to get support in achieving their social impact objectives, and to help the company learn from them.

"The time to bring together corporates, philanthropists and social investors is now, because we are running out of time. There are only eleven years left for the international community to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. Among other things, we need to reduce inequality, foster sustainable cities and communities, and jointly work towards peace, justice, and strong institutions. In order to tackle these challenges, we do not need more sustainability departments but have to break up the silos, foster innovation and cross-sectoral partnerships, and integrate sustainability and impact orientation into the core processes of corporates. It's no longer an either-or - impact or business - but both doing good and doing business", declares Dr. Frank Niederländer from the BMW Foundation, the event host.

If you want to join us, write to us at before 9 September.

The C Summit is kindly hosted by the BMW Foundation, and with the financial support of JTI Foundation, Sanofi Espoir Foundation, and Trafigura Foundation.

Please find more information about the C-Summit here:


EVPA is a membership association made up of organisations interested in or practising venture philanthropy and social investment across Europe. Established in 2004, the association aims to be the home of investors for impact committed to using venture philanthropy and social investment tools to target social impact.

Part of EVPA is also the Corporate Initiative, a sub-community of more than 60 corporate foundations, social impact funds, accelerators and other socially-driven corporate entities in search of the most effective ways to maximise their societal impact through joint-learning across Europe.


DAFNE is Europe's largest network of donors and foundations associations. With 30 member associations with a collective membership of more than 10,000 foundations and grant-makers, we are a leading voice of donors and foundations in Europe.

We underpin individual activities of our members by encouraging dialogue and collaboration between the national associations and their members and are committed to shape the enabling environment for philanthropy across Europe.


Max von Abendroth, Executive Director, DAFNE

Ioana Traista, Communications Manager, EVPA