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Hellmann doubles warehouse capacity for Wilo in Germany

Hellmann doubles warehouse capacity for Wilo in Germany
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Hellmann doubles warehouse capacity for Wilo in Germany

Osnabrueck, September 12, 2024. Since Hellmann Worldwide Logistics set up a central distribution center for Wilo in the German town Werne around two years ago, both companies have significantly strengthened their cooperation. The global logistics provider has successively expanded its operational services for the premium manufacturer of pumps and pump systems for the building technology, water, and industry sectors. By doubling the warehouse capacity, leased from Garbe Industrial Real Estate, the two corporations are creating ideal conditions for further collaboration and at the same time unlocking opportunities for strategic growth.

The central storage facility, which has been extended to a total of 40,000 square meters, links many strategically important operational processes for Wilo. In addition to supporting global distribution processes, the facility also supports the production supply for the nearby Wilo factory in Dortmund. To organize the processes even more efficiently and integrate them seamlessly, other warehouse locations have been merged and consolidated in Werne in recent years.

“The consolidation of our warehouses enables a significant simplification and simultaneous optimization of the supply chain, which not only increases the flow of materials, but also communication and delivery reliability for our customers,” says Hans Keeris, Senior Vice President Procurement, Supply Chain & Logistics for the Wilo Group.

“We are very appreciative of the continuous development of our partnership with Wilo. The doubling of our warehouse capacity in Werne not only enables us to further optimize our operational services but is also a good basis for jointly implementing innovative and sustainable solutions and continuous growth,” says Volker Sauerborn, Chief Operating Officer Contract Logistics at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

About Hellmann
Since its foundation over 150 years ago, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has developed into one of the largest international logistics providers in the world. With more than 12,000 employees, the company is active in 57 countries and generated sales of EUR 3.5 billion in 2023.The range of services includes classic forwarding services by truck, rail, air- and seafreight, as well as a comprehensive range of CEP services, contract logistics, industry and IT solutions.

Christiane Brüning                                                            Anna Lena Pyhel
Global Head of Corporate Communications                       Consultant Corporate Communications

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG                      Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG
Elbestrasse 1                                                                      Elbestrasse 1
49090 Osnabrueck                                                             49090 Osnabrueck 
Germany                                                                             Germany

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Thinking Ahead - Moving Forward

Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRA 3760
Komplementärin / General Partner: Hellmann Verwaltungs SE
Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRB 212008

Vorstand / Managing Directors: Jens Drewes (CEO), Martin Eberle, Jens Wollesen, Stefan Borggreve
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Hellmann Verwaltungs SE / Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Thomas Lieb
USt-IdNr. / V.A.T. Id. no.: DE 11 76 59 402
Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – und – soweit diese für die Erbringung logistischer (Zusatz-) Leistungen nicht gelten – nach den Logistik-AGB, Stand März 2006. Hinweis: Die ADSp 2017 weichen in Ziffer 23 hinsichtlich des Haftungshöchstbetrages für Güterschäden (§ 431 HGB) vom Gesetz ab, indem sie die Haftung bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung und bei unbekanntem Schadenort auf 2 SZR/kg und im Übrigen die Regelhaftung von 8,33 SZR/kg zusätzlich auf 1,25 Millionen Euro je Schadenfall sowie 2,5 Millionen Euro je Schadenereignis, mindestens aber 2 SZR/kg, beschränken. Die ADSp 2017 können Sie unter abrufen, die Logistik-AGB 2006 unter

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We operate exclusively in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017) and – if they do not apply for performing (supplementary) logistics services – with the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services Providers (Logistik-AGB), as of March 2006. Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviate from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage place to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8.33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1.25 million per damage case and EUR 2.5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg. You can find the ADSp 2017 here: and the Logistik-AGB 2006 here:
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