ots Ad hoc-Service: LPKF Laser & Electronics <DE0006450000>
Hannover (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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In its meeting on Monday 29th January, the executive board of the LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, Garbsen near Hannover, decided to appoint Christoph Wiese (aged 45) as deputy member of the board of directors. Christoph Wiese is an economic engineer and joined LPKF already in February 2000. Prior to that he held various leading commercial positions, such as managing director of a production and trade company. Within the LPKF group he is responsible for production planning, financial management, controlling and risk management.
LPKF also started a share investment of 19.8 percent of the capital stock of EUR 50.000 in the company Laserquipment AG in Erlangen. The start-up company has been founded at the end of 2000 by Kai Lenfert, a former member of the Bayerisches Laserzentrum gGmbH together with Dr. Jürgen Klein. Further venture capitalists are the LPKF founders Bernd Hildebrandt and Klaus Sülter as well as Prof. Dr. Manfred Geiger, holder of the chair of production technologies at the university of Erlangen- Nürnberg. LPKF has a long and close personal and business relationship with Prof. Geiger. Essential aspects of the 3D-MID technology already used by LPKF were a common development. Laserquipment plans to develop, produce and sell 2- and 3- dimensional system solutions for laser beam plastic welding. It enables the conversion of innovative laser-based concepts for material processing in a large field of applications of the ready and extremely interested international market of the automobile, consumer electronics and telecommunications industry. The responsible member of the LPKF board, Dr. Jörg Kickelhain, states that Laserquipment perfectly adds to the innovative product range of LPKF.
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