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Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)

#COP28: The RIFS & GFZ at the Climate Change Conference

Dear readers,

#COP28 in Dubai, from 30 November till 12 December 2023 will see the international community come together to agree on further action towards achieving the climate goals agreed under the Paris Agreement. RIFS researchers will attend and participate in the COP28 with various contributions relating to the core issues and the consequences of the conference outcomes – see the events below.

The RIFS will be hosting its Co-Creative Reflection and Dialogue Space (CCRDS) at the COP for the 4th time. This space for facilitated informal conversation was developed with the aim of enhancing the culture of communication at the conference and fostering dialogue and mutual learning. This year most sessions will have a thematic focus on the role of trust and fear at the COP. Partners are also invited to co-create science dialogues at the space. We would be happy to put you in touch with our participating researchers. View the full programme of the CCRDS here.

RIFS researcher Maheswar Rupakheti will attend COP28 as a part of Nepalese delegation. Nepal is having its own pavilion for the first time. And as Rupakheti is the newly elected Vice Chair for the IPCC Working Group 1 he will also join in this function a number of events.

RIFS Director Mark Lawrence will join several meetings for example on Friday, 8.12. 18-20 the “Climate and Clean Air Ministerial”: The Ministerial this year will focus on the overarching theme of finance for SLCPs, with spotlights on upcoming initiatives and opportunities for partners to engage in the CCAC’s work over the next years. Ministers will also launch the CCAC’s new Clean Air Flagship. Or on Sunday, 10.12. 18:30 – 20 RNE event: "Independent climate councils, stocktaking and supporting further climate action", on Monday, 11.12. 18:30 – 20 Live Studio - Care, Share, Inspire – Climate Wisdom from COP28 and on Tuesday, 12.12. 11:30 – 12:30 Cryosphere event.

Also read the RIFS Policy Brief "The Silver Bullet Fallacy of ``Net Zero``" by our researchers.

COP 28 Side Event

December 3, 2023

16:45 – 18:18 p.m. SE Room 1

Harnessing Transparency for Ambitious NDC Implementation in Central Asia

The event - with the contribution of GFZ researcher Arbor Gafurov - will highlight commitment of Central Asian countries to climate action through enhanced transparency measures. Transparency in NDC tracking, unique methodologies, training approach and data-driven scheme were determined as key for successful implementation of the NDC’s

Speakers: Speakers will include high-level government officials from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, national experts from the ReCATH project, as well as representatives of the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, the Secretariat of the ICAT and the UNFCCC Secretariat.

COP 28 Side Event

December 4, 2023

3-4.30 pm Expo City Dubai SE Room 8 and COP28 Livestream:

Green Hydrogen Pathways in Europe and Africa : Sustainable Cooperation for a ‘Net Zero’ Economy?

Many countries have set ambitious targets not only for the domestic production of hydrogen but also its import. Given their significant renewable energy potential, a range of African countries represent important potential partners in this endeavor. Yet, uncertainties remain manifold, ranging from the development of transport infrastructure to questions of technology to an evolving regulatory and standardization landscape. This event will explore the prospects for cooperation between Europe and Africa. How can an international hydrogen economy support European and African ambitions within a future ‘net zero’ economy? What is needed to develop sustainable partnerships in the context of an emerging hydrogen economy? How can climate justice and sustainability concerns be considered?


  • 15:00 Setting the scence: Green Hydrogen, climate justice and COP28 Angela Oels, University of Augsburg/DKK
  • 15:05 Techno-economic role of H2 in EU and Africa Heidi Heinrichs, Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • 15:10 Socioeconomic challenges/ potential for H2-perspective from West Africa Moumini Savadogo, AKADEMIYA2063
  • 15:15 Hydrogen production, transportation, and end-use Chinnan Maclean Dikwal, Africa Energy Council
  • 15:20 Practical factors for the implication of H2 projects Kirils Holstovs, AECOM/ Newcastle University
  • 15:25 Enabling sustainable, green hydrogen in African countries Amos Wemanya, PowerSHift Africa
  • 15:30 Geopolitical challenges in EU and Africa Rainer Quitzow, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
  • 15:45 Moderated discussion by Charlotte Unger, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
  • 16:10 Questions and discussion with the audience

COP 28 Side Event

December 6, 2023

11.30 a.m - 13:00 p.m. SE Room 6

Satellite Observation contributing to GHG inventory, NDCs, and GST

This side event - with the contribution of Martin Herold of the GFZ - will share the results and current efforts of space-based systematic observations of forests and success cases in developing countries. The event will discuss how these efforts contribute to the national GHG inventory, the National Determined Contributions and the Global Stocktake.

Speakers: UNFCCC Secretariat, Government of the Philippines, Mozambique, Brazil, and speakers from developing countries. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), European Space Agency (ESA) and GOFC-GOLD will also introduce the systematic observations by satellite.

If you have any queries, please contact:

Matthias TangPress & Communications

Phone: +49 331 6264 22340

Mail: media(at)

The Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) conducts research with the aim of investigating, identifying, and advancing development pathways for transformation processes towards sustainability in Germany and abroad. The institute was founded in 2009 as the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and has been affiliated with the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences under its new name since 1 January 2023 and is thus part of the Helmholtz Association. Its research approach is transdisciplinary, transformative, and co-creative. The Institute cooperates with partners in science, political and administrative institutions, the business community, and civil society to develop solutions for sustainability challenges that enjoy broad public support. Its central research topics include the energy transition, climate change and socio-technical transformations, as well as sustainable governance and participation. A strong network of national and international partners and a Fellow Programme supports the work of the Institute.

Weitere Storys: Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
Weitere Storys: Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
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