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Successful completion: Koehler Group congratulates the graduates of 2024

Successful completion: Koehler Group congratulates the graduates of 2024
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  • Twenty-five apprentices and one work-study student have successfully completed their training
  • Twelve employees from various fields have successfully completed their professional advancement qualifications
  • Training course graduates and employees who have completed a continuing education course receive their diplomas

Twenty-five aprentices and one work-study student were able to complete their professional training at Koehler this year. This year the family company was also able to offer permanent positions to the first graduates of the machine and plant operator training program. Koehler offered this job profile for the first time at the start of 2022. An additional 12 employees completed their professional advancement qualifications in various fields.

Professional training at Koehler – a corner stone for a successful future

The Corporate Director HR & Legal Department, as well as Head of HR development and apprenticeship and mill directors at Koehler Paper's sites in Oberkirch and Kehl honored graduates during a festive celebration and presented their training diplomas along with a special Koehler certificate. In accordance with tradition, the certificates were printed on handmade paper that was manufactured by the paper technology trainers themselves. Elke Renz, Corporate Director HR & Legal Department, and Simone Wölfle, Head of HR development and apprenticeship, were on hand to greet and congratulate the freshly minted graduates. "An apprenticeship is a significant step and a corner stone on which to build a successful future. It allows graduates to set off on a number of different paths, and we, as a company, will happily accompany them on their way." Both managers thanked all the graduates and noted that each and every one of them can be proud of their accomplishment.

Supervisor's Cup of the Gernsbach Paper Center for successful continuing education

Daniel Ockenga, previous paper technologist apprentice, was honored as Baden-Württemberg's best in 2015 by the Südlicher Oberrhein Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). This year he received another significant honor. For his master work of his continuing education as an industrial supervisor in paper manufacture, he was awarded the Supervisor's Cup of the Gernsbach Paper Center as best in his year.

Training and development is a top priority for the Koehler Group. The family company currently trains a total of 109 apprentices and students at five sites in Germany and goes on to provide them with high-quality, personalized entry-level career opportunities. This is also evidenced by the BEST PLACE TO LEARN® seal of approval, with which Koehler has been re-certified several times for its high-quality training program.

The following employees were also congratulated on successfully completing their apprenticeship and training at the Greiz production site: Julius Pfort (paper technologist), Tobias Pawlik (industrial supervisor for paper).

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4749
Fax: +49 7802 81-5749