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Koehler Group Helps Restore Ihringer Ölstampfe Oil Mill

Koehler Group Helps Restore Ihringer Ölstampfe Oil Mill
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  • Historic oil mill Ihringer brought back to life
  • Koehler Group paves the way for mill wheel installation
  • Historic building can be visited every first Wednesday of the month

The Koehler Group is assisting the “Oberkirch-Alte Stadt e.V.” association with the restoration of the Ihringer Ölstampfe oil mill. This historic building is in the direct vicinity of the family business’ headquarters in Oberkirch. The Koehler Group’s assistance has made it possible to restore the millstream to its earlier condition, which has eliminated the last obstacle in the way of operating the historic oil mill with a mill wheel.

Historic oil mill is brought back to life

The Koehler Group was founded 1807, 217 years ago in its current domicile of Oberkirch. The millstream there always played an important role in the company’s papermaking activities, and its water is still being used to produce premium specialty paper products today. In addition, it functions as a landmark that is an integral part of Oberkirch’s idyllic landscape, not to mention that it is where the Ihringer Ölstampfe oil mill is located. The Koehler Group donated the land where the old oil mill is to the “Oberkirch-Alte Stadt e.V.” association back in 2013 after the latter declared its intention to bring the mill back to life.

Since then, a millstream trail has been built and the Ihringer Ölstampfe oil mill has been authentically restored down to the last detail thanks to the incredible volunteer efforts of the association’s members, the assistance provided by the town of Oberkirch, and the Regionalstiftung der Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau regional foundation. Before the historic mill wheel could be reinstalled at the mill, however, the millstream had to be restored to its earlier condition. This took quite a bit of work, which was undertaken by the Koehler Group in order to help out the volunteers in the “Oberkirch-Alte Stadt e.V.” association. “I myself grew up in Oberkirch, and know that Koehler’s history is an inseparable part of the town’s history. That’s why it has been such a pleasure to help the many volunteers that have lovingly restored the Ihringer Ölstampfe oil mill,” underscores Koehler Group CEO Kai Furler.

Thanks to the commitment shown by these volunteer members, the mill and its historic technology are becoming a highlight both for tourists and for those interested in learning more about our home. Rudolf Hans Zillgith, the association’s chairman, is tremendously happy with the result: “Thanks to the help of the Koehler Group, we can now bring back the most important part of any mill: the water wheel. That’s both the crowning achievement and end of this project, which more and more locals and tourists are visiting and learning to appreciate.” And they can visit the mill every first Wednesday of the month between 2:00 and 6:00 in the afternoon.

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4749
Fax: +49 7802 81-5749