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20 Years of the Koehler Works Council’s Christmas Tree Initiative

20 Years of the Koehler Works Council’s Christmas Tree Initiative
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  • Koehler Group employees make Christmas wishes come true
  • For two decades, the Koehler Group works council has been organizing its Christmas Tree Initiative
  • 100 gifts were given out to people in need

This December marks the twentieth year that the Koehler works council from Oberkirch, Kehl, and Willstätt has put together its Christmas Tree Initiative. For these two decades, and together with charities Caritas and Diakonie, the team has collected Christmas wishes from those most in need in the region so that Koehler Group employees can make them come true. This time, 100 gifts were given by the Works Council to Claudia Ebert and Fabian Bühler from Caritas and Doro Steurer-Braun and Cordula Rettig at Diakonie.

100 Christmas wishes made a reality in line with longtime tradition

As already implied, the Christmas Tree Initiative has been an inseparable part of the Koehler Group’s activities at its Oberkirch, Kehl, and Willstätt sites for twenty years now. The initiative was co-started in 2004 by Chairman of the works council at the Koehler Group Thomas Lampart, and this year will be the last time in which he is in charge of seeing it through. When asked, he is quick to mention that seeing so many co-workers ready to help and bring a bit of happiness to people in the Renchtal region has always been a source of joy over the years. The wishes of people in need are rarely published, and so there are scarcely any records following up on them. But what started 20 years ago with traditional wish lists on a tree has now been modernized, with wishes being digitally published so that a much larger number of employees can take them up.

Some of these wishes are things that go without saying for most of us, but that are an outsize investment for people in need. Accordingly, wishes this year ranged from hygiene and personal care products, to toys, to underwear and kitchen utensils.

Koehler Group employees left the corresponding gifts with the works council, which in turn gave the collected packages to Caritas and Diakonie. Thomas Lampart is happy to announce how proud he is of the entire thing: “We’re absolutely delighted that in this, the twentieth instance of this incredible initiative, the Koehler Group’s employees once again stepped up to the plate. For many of them, doing some good for those in need is simply a vital part of the Christmas season. I’m extremely happy to see that this community spirit is still clearly very much in evidence today.” In the coming days, Caritas and Diakonie helpers will be distributing the gifts to the people who wrote their wish lists. And as previously mentioned, everyone involved participated with a tremendous amount of commitment this year as well, with the reason behind this being clear: There is nothing nicer than bringing joy to other people in the lead-up to the season.

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4749
Fax: +49 7802 81-5749