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Koehler Fire Brigade Completes Annual Drill and Honors Outstanding Service

Koehler Fire Brigade Completes Annual Drill and Honors Outstanding Service
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  • Rescue drill of several people completed successfully
  • Promotions to Fire Chiefs and Fire Officers
  • German Fire Brigade Cross of Honor fire department silver medal for Chief Fire Officer Franz Treyer
  • German Fire Brigade Medal of Honor for plant manager Hartmut Felsch

Every year, Koehler’s company fire brigade has a late-year drill, and last year was no exception, with the training exercise taking place at the Koehler Group’s headquarters in Oberkirch. Decades of experience, combined with the extraordinary teamwork displayed by the brigade’s members, made it possible to quickly and successfully handle the scenario being simulated this time around. This was then followed by both promotions and the honoring of several firefighters, with a prime example being Chief Fire Officer Franz Treyer being awarded the German Fire Service Medal of Honor in silver.

Service and commitment define the Koehler company fire brigade

For over 100 years, the company’s fire brigades have protected Koehler’s various sites, which is why they run realistic annual drills early and late in the year in order to practice coordination and ensure that training closely reflects real-life scenarios and safety standards are adhered to. This year’s drill focused on a basement fire. After the drill started, the group leader in charge of the first fire truck discovered the problem early and pointed out that there were three people missing. He then provided several companies with respiratory protection to initiate the rescue and fight the fire. For the mission, the Oberkirch company fire brigade got assistance from the Kehl company fire brigade, and the rescued people were cared for afterwards by the company’s emergency first aider team.

Once the drill was successfully completed, a number of honors and promotions were given. Several firefighters were promoted to the firefighter rank of Chief firefighters, Senior firefighters and fire Chiefs. In addition, Thorsten Bohnert received the fire department silver medal of the German state of Baden-Württemberg for his 25 years of service as a firefighter. Moreover, Hartmut Felsch, the mill director at the Koehler Paper site in Oberkirch, was awarded the German Fire Service Medal of Honor, while Chief Fire Officer Franz Treyer received the Fire Brigade Cross of Honor silver medal. “Everyone who was honored at the event has shown tremendous commitment and unique leadership abilities throughout the years, and has accordingly been vital in establishing an incredibly effective and efficient fire brigade at the Oberkirch site,” Captain Michael Trayer said while praising the dedication of his fellow firefighters.

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4749
Fax: +49 7802 81-5749