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Golden Hearts Never Die Collection LTD.

SAXO BANK OF ART Trade and Investment Bank lets shares rise
Just awesome! Heiko Saxo "MR. VALUE COIN "
Did you think: I'm a completely normal artist?

SAXO BANK OF ART Trade and Investment Bank lets shares rise / Just awesome! Heiko Saxo "MR. VALUE COIN " / Did you think: I
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London, Zürich, Paris, Berlin (ots)

SAXO BANK OF ART founded by Heiko Saxo 2020 in England presents "Value Artworks". "Value artworks" are works of art with diamonds in the quality between VVS1 and SI1.
In 2019, 2020 and 2021 Heiko Saxo created "Value Artworks" with inlaid diamonds around the world, which are now for sale.
All original works of art with DIAMONDS between 10 and 25 carats: paintings, crude oil paintings and car sculptures.
Works of art by the car visionary Heiko Saxo are explicitly for sale, limited to 500 unique pieces made of crude oil, steel and diamonds with certificates and expertise. Between EUR 5,000 and EUR 100,000 per exhibit.
Shares? Bitcoins?- "Value artworks" for everyone. Art is guaranteed to live here! Saxo Bank of Art is looking to the future with Value Coin - a new formula.

Anyone in possession of Value Coin can purchase "Value Artworks" for 50% of the official diamond value with certificate and expertise.

Where can I get Value Coin? What is Value Coin? What is a Value Coin worth?
Saxo Bank of Art will inform you on its website from June 15, 2021.


Heiko Saxo Management

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