ots Ad hoc-Service: Rosenbauer International <AT0000922554> QUARTER REPORT 1-9/2000
Wien - Leonding (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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QUARTER REPORT 1-9/2000 Key figures for Rosenbauer Group 1-9/1999 1-9/2000 Sales in EUR m 161.1 185.0 EBIT in EUR m 1.4 -0,2 Result from ordinary activity in EUR m 0.1 -2.5 Result from extraordinary business activity in EUR m -0.1 -9.0 Result before tax in EUR m -0.1 -11.6 Annual income in EUR m -0.7 -12.4 Cash-flow before tax in EUR m 3.3 -3.3 Capital investments in EUR m 3.9 5.2 Workforce (9/30) 1353 1339
Turnover and results The Group closed the first three quarters of 2000 with a - Result from ordinary activities - of EUR -2.5 m (1-9/1999: EUR 0.1 m) on Group Turnover of EUR 185.0 m (1-9/1999: EUR 161.1 m). The main reason for the deviation from the 1999 figures is the fact that delays in the receipt of incoming orders at Metz meant that only around 40% of the turntable ladders expected to be delivered during the year as a whole were actually delivered in the first three quarters of 2000.
January-through-September turnover at the three Group companies in the USA is around 23% above its level for the same period in 1999. Half of this increase results from real growth, and the remainder from the fact that the turntable-ladder manufacturer RK Aerials LLC was consolidated this year for the first time.
The effects of the public-sector austerity drive are still making themselves felt, especially in the countries of the European Union. There has been an appreciable increase in project volumes in Asia and South America, leading us to expect growth in new orders from these markets during the coming year (2001).
The progress of the Group's business in the USA continues to be highly gratifying. Integration of the turntable-ladder manufacturer RK Aerials LLC, acquired in February 2000, is now largely complete. Central States LLC has been the most successful of the American subsidiaries, with around 300 vehicles expected to be produced this year.
In spite of the negative results (due to the timing of product deliveries and to structural factors) in the first three quarters of 2000, Management expects that for the year as a whole, the Group will achieve slightly higher turnover than last year (1999: EUR 260.3 m) and a Result from ordinary activities of EUR 4.0 (1999: EUR 5.8 m). The Extraordinary result is expected to contain expenditure of around EUR 9 m relating to the closure of the Dutch subsidiary Rosenbauer B.V.
For more information, please contact: Mag. Robert Kastil, Executive Vice President Finance, Telephone: +43 732 6794-570
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