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Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft

Next generation of food packaging: Lessons learnt from GLOPACK project

Corum, Montpellier (ots)

The GLOPACK Final Conference and Stakeholder Event will take place at the Hotel Crowne Plaza Montpellier - Corum, Montpellier, France on 17 November 2021 in a hybrid format.

Packaging is an essential element of the response to address the key challenge of sustainable food consumption on the international scene. Minimizing the environmental footprint of the packed food is clearly about reducing food waste and loss while eradicating plastic pollution and the risk of micro and nano-plastics.

To address the dual challenge of minimizing food waste and loss while fighting plastic pollution, the GLOPACK H2020 funded project focused on food packaging solutions that are 100% biodegradable in natural environment and bringing new functionalities to enhance the packaging usage benefit (active functionalities to increase shelf life and intelligent functionalities for freshness tracking).

GLOPACK Consortium will use the Final event as an opportunity to present and celebrate its achievements to all interested parties.

The Consortium welcomes all parties who are interested in sustainable and innovative food packaging to join the event. To be able to attend, please register on the following link:

For the detailed agenda, please visit the GLOPACK website (

The GLOPACK project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773375.


Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft./ Campden BRI Hungary

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