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Dr. Boysen Management + Consulting GmbH

Free digital business consulting: available now

Free digital business consulting: available now
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Urbar, Germany (ots) is now available for all English-speaking business managers. The innovative and web-based digital service supports specialists and managers of all kinds of business groups.

consultingcheck was launched at the end of 2021 in Germany and has already been applied by countless professionals in business operations. It is the first automized and cost-free consulting platform worldwide. The core service of consultingcheck is a digital, interactive business consulting service that supports its users when dealing with various issues involved in the management process.

With consultingcheck, managers can systematically focus on their individual business challenges in an interactive exchange and crystallize effective ways of finding solutions. Specialists also benefit from breakthrough whitepapers, practical checklists, useful templates, business management applications, relevant background information and specific contacts.

consultingcheck covers various topics concerning the challenges of day-to-day management as well as general questions: how to internationalize sales, how to increase revenue, how to decrease costs, how to effectively manage people, how to finance a business, how to digitalize processes, how to restructure, sell or buy a company - and many more.

consultingcheck provides a methodical overview and on-the-job orientation and offers specific suitable and proven ways and instruments for when they are needed.

Initiator of this service, Dr. Werner Boysen, has been operating in management roles and as a business consultant in different industries and corporate situations for more than three decades: "consultingcheck creates a win-win-situation: Clients are enabled to identify their particular solution-approaches and can therefore choose personal consultants in a qualified way. Consultants also benefit from consultingcheck because they find access to potential clients."


Dr. Priska Jones / Email: kontakt@priska-jones.comin
behalf of Dr. Boysen Management + Consulting GmbH, Klostergut Besselich, 56182 Urbar, GERMANY

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