ots Ad hoc-Service: United Internet AG <DE0005089007> United Internet stops finance of ImmOnline Online real estate company falls short of targets
Montabaur (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
The online real estate company ImmOnline AG, member of the United Internet network (participation 30 %), has filed for bankruptcy with the district court of Wuppertal. The real estate portal operator fell well short of its financial targets for fiscal 2000. Contrary to plans, the company did not break even in 2000 but now expects to achieve this target in 2003. An increase in capital stock, approved by United Internet, had been planned to secure the company's future. At the Shareholders' Meeting of ImmOnline AG on December 21, 2000, however, the capital increase proposed by both Management and Supervisory Boards did not receive the necessary majority. After the failure of the company's management to find an alternative solution to secure the continued existence of the company, it was decided to declare the company insolvent.
The fiscal 2000 annual statements of United Internet AG include a special write- off of EUR 2.8 million for ImmOnline.
Marcus Schaps United Internet AG Phone: +49 (0)2602/96-1076 Fax:
+49 (0)2602/96-1013 E-Mail: mschaps@united-internet.de
WKN:508900; Index:NEMAX50 Listed:Neuer Markt in Frankfurt;
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Düsseldorf und Hannover
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Original-Content von: United Internet AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell