DCI Database for Commerce and Industry AG
ots Ad hoc-Service: DCI AG <DE0005295307> DCI AG posts steady increase in sales and membership for the first nine months of 2000
Starnberg (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
. Sales up 144 percent on last year's figure . Membership figures up 348 per cent . Extensive restructuring lays foundation for continued growth
DCI AG continued to prosper during the first nine months of 2000. At 7.353 million euros, sales were up 144 percent on the previous year's figure. Membership figures were subject to an even sharper rise, up 348 percent at 21,092. Based on US-GAAP, the operating income was posted at minus 11.8 million euros and the net income at minus 6.2 million euros. Start-up investments and one-off items of expenditure impacted negatively on this result. Consulting services in particular drove up the level of one- off outlays. DCI called in external consultants to assist it in its restructuring measures aimed at ensuring a solid foundation for sustained growth. The WebTradeCenter recorded 27,704 purchase requests between January and September 2000. This represents a 151 percent increase on the same period in 1999. The volume of trade handled by DCI's virtual marketplace rose by 160 percent to a total of 299 million euros. With 3.2 million page hits per month, the WebTradeCenter portal enjoys growing popularity. The results posted for the first three quarters of 2000 bear testimony to the success of DCI's concerted growth strategy. Cash and cash equivalents in excess of 58 million euros provide a secure financial basis for continued expansion.
For more information, contact: DCI AG Investor Relations Cornelia Schreiber Telefon: 0049 (0) 81 51/2 65-268 E-Mail: ir@dci.de
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
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