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Obrist Group Now Open for Institutional Investors

Obrist Group Now Open for Institutional Investors
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Obrist Group Now Open for Institutional Investors

Investments in the construction and operation of production plants for green methanol, designed to remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its use.

Lindau/Germany, Lustenau/Austria – September 30, 2024 – The hydrogen derivative methanol is regarded as a pivotal element in the transition of the global economy from fossil fuels to renewable energies. The German-Austrian industrial group Obrist Group is now seeking to engage with institutional investors for the first time. The funds are required for the construction of so-called Gigaplants. The Obrist Group's patented process has been developed to a point where it can be scaled up for series production. This allows the company to manufacture methanol from solar energy in plants that can serve as universal energy sources for industrial production, construction, and transportation. By removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than is emitted during combustion, these plants can be considered "CO2 vacuum cleaners."

Each Gigaplant is expected to produce nearly four million tonnes of methanol per year, which at today's energy prices would represent a sales volume of approximately 4.3 billion US dollars. The annual return on capital cost is estimated at a robust 21 per cent.

The construction of Gigaplants in the Earth’s sunbelt is crucial for the project's success, as this region receives the highest solar intensity. Current reports indicate that negotiations are progressing well for establishing Gigaplants in several countries, including Namibia, Egypt, Morocco, Brazil, India, China, Australia, the USA, and various locations on the Arabian Peninsula. In addition to an ample supply of sunlight, Gigaplants need a water source for methanol production, which can be extracted from the air. The Obrist Group has noted that an air humidity level of just ten percent – common even in desert environments – is sufficient for this process. Since methanol remains liquid at normal temperatures, it can be transported using the same infrastructure as oil, such as pipelines, tankers, and tanker trucks. This ability to leverage existing distribution systems is a significant advantage for methanol as a global energy carrier, particularly when compared to the challenges of transmitting electricity over long distances.

Obrist Group: The Obrist Group, founded by inventor and entrepreneur Frank Obrist, focuses on innovations for global, sustainable and CO2-reducing energy concepts. The spectrum ranges from the global supply of renewable energies to atmospheric fuels (aFuels) and innovative CO2-negative (i.e. climate-positive!) drive concepts for the automotive industry. With around 380 key patents, the Obrist Group is one of the world's most important innovators in the field of sustainable energy concepts.

Further information:

Press Contact: Thorsten Rixmann, Chief Marketing Officer,
Phone +43 660 5642275, email:
Press Agency: euromarcom public relations,

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