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INST: Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung regionaler und transnationaler Kulturprozesse

22./23.9.2024: New York, Future Summit of United Nations
INST suggestions: New World Peace Order (new energy, new currency, new structures)

Vienna (ots)

INST was founded in 1994 by a group of scientists from the International Science Community. Today Sc.Dir. (Scientific Director) Dr. Herbert Arlt (Scientific Director and only legal representative of INST since 1994) coordinates about 25.000 colleagues from more than 150 countries. The main projects today: Special Lectures 2022-2025 - INST AT INST Channel - INST AT TRANS Nr. 28 - Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | Internet journal for cultural studies | Revue électronique de recherches sur la culture ( The key suggestions for the Future Conference of UN: new energy on quantum technology, new world currency, new UN structures for United people (see UN Charter: people, not states, not warriors). No misuse of culture, human rights for military purposes like in Europe since the 19th century, but Unifying Aspects of Cultures as key issues of UN.


INST: Research Institute for Regional and Transnational Cultural Processes

Rosa-Jochmann-Ring 54/5/6, 1110 Vienna
Tel: +43/[0]676/5364912
ZVR-Number: 212581983

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